C. Capture Temperature & Functionality Status

C. Capture Temperature & Functionality Status

Target release3.2


Document status


Document owner
Tech Lead


  • The goals of this requirements page is to document the user stories specifically related to the "Capture Temperature and Functionality Status" feature. 


insert discussions during the workshop which are relevant to note. List participants.


  • insert

User Stories

List out the user stories under the activity. Put the "next up" under the Out of Scope section.

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotesJIRA Tickets

Input functionality status

As a DIVO/intermediate storehouse manager, I want to input functionality status for each CCE that I oversee so that I can report any CCE that is not working or that has an issue. This could also inform reports on rates of nonfunctional status.

Acceptance criteria:

These statuses should be the options:

  • working (functional)
  • not working (non functional)
  • needs attention (can be jointly listed with working OR not working)
  • under maintenance
  • non commissioned


OLMIS-2897 - Getting issue details... STATUS

2Record "needs attention" status As a DIVO, I want to indicate when a CCE device needs attention (functioning weird, lots of temperature fluctuations, etc.) so that it can be addressed by the CCE technician, even if it is not fully nonfunctional.
MVP Next


View CCE functionality status per facility

As a DIVO/RIVO, I want to see the functional status of the CCE within my facility so that I can be aware of the health of my cold chain, address any issues, and escalate request for maintenance when needed.

As a sub-national store manager, I want to see the functional status of a CCE at a specific facility so that I can plan the pick-up or delivery order

As a CCE maintenance planner, I want to see the functional status of a CCE at a specific facility so that I can plan the schedule for repair or replacement.

MVPThis CCE view is covered by filtering in our CCE list.

OLMIS-2896 - Getting issue details... STATUS

4Timestamp for functionality statusAs a DIVO, I want to see how long it's been between indicating that a CCE is "nonfunctional" or "needs attention" and when it is fixed ("under maintenance" and "functional") so that I can check on CCE repair performance and assess my cold chain needs.
MVPThis timestamp is covered by the view in our CCE list

OLMIS-2896 - Getting issue details... STATUS

5View CCE functionality summary

As an EPI Manager I would like to view my current cold chain inventory so that I can see which refrigerators need repair, and better plan replacements, see breakdowns by type and unit, and estimate additional volume for new vaccine introductions.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Items to include per refrigerator: Location Type (Region, District, Hospital, HF), Facility Name, PQS, Brand, Model, Refrigerator Type (ILR, SDD) Functional Status, Capacity, Age of Equipment, Install Date, Power Source, Number of Breakdowns

  2. Need ability to add or remove equipment from inventory (Add/Remove button at bottom of their equipment list)

Next7 votes
6Capture temperature excursions (temp alerts)

As a DIVO/Immunization nurse, I want to input 30 DTR-type information for temperature excursions so that I can have a record in the system of temperature issues for a CCE at a given facility.

Acceptance criteria:

  • # of alerts
  • duration of alerts
  • type (hot/cold)
  • linked to which CCE device

Next2 votes
7View CCE temperature status

As a sub-national store manager, I want to see the temperature status of a CCE at a specific facility so that I can plan the pick-up or delivery order

As a CCE maintenance planner, I want to see the functional status of a CCE at a specific facility so that I can plan the schedule for repair or replacement

DIVO & Immunization Nurse may also want this information.

0 votes

Connects to Resupply. Also overlap with View CCE Capacity epic.




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of the vaccine workshop:




Out of Scope

Out of scope for this feature OR potentially saving for future development.

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