CCE Knowledge Transfer
1 June 2017 - Chongsun takes us on a CCE journey through his experience with VIMS
- Equipment types
- Added new type called CCE
- Might already be equipment in the system, but only this CCE type would have PQS devices
- Had to map equipment types and programs together
- each Program has different equip types associated with it. If program and type aren't matched, then that prog isn't managing that type of equpiment
- each Program has different equip types associated with it. If program and type aren't matched, then that prog isn't managing that type of equpiment
- Equipment list
- dropdown to see catalog items
- specify program dropdown, then only equipment types that match that program are shown
- you can Add New equipment
- Equip name, Manufacturer, Model, Energy type
- Equipment inventory
- Functional status
- Functional, Non functional, Functional but not installed, Waiting for repair, Obsolete
- Obsolete was how VIMS dealt with "archiving"
- Obsolete items still show up in inventory list
- If you change status to Obsolete it bring up pop up with input for decommission date
- System needs to know "good" and "bad" status so that we can do additional logic if needed
- Functional, Non functional, Functional but not installed, Waiting for repair, Obsolete
- Should v3 have a delete button?
- Maybe to deal with equipment that had been incorrectly added to inventory list
- Moving equipment between facilities
- There were permissions in place to allow reassigning facility for a CCE device, but that was turned off to disallow people from doing that within VIMS
- Functional status
- Permissions within CCE
- Is this the same as with Requisitions? Or is supervisory hierarchy different than CCE management for some countries?
Chat log from Webex:
VIMS = Vaccine Information Management System
from Brandon to Everyone:
Inventory = any number of Cold Chain Equipments that are installed for use at a specific facility
from Brandon to Everyone:
PQS = Performance, Quality and Safety, a device catalogue by the World Health Organization (WHO)
from Brandon to Everyone:
from VillageReach Admin to Everyone:
Performance, Quality and Safety (PQS)
from Josh Zamor to Everyone:
from VillageReach Admin to Everyone:
Nick your comment only came to me.
from Josh Zamor to Everyone:
Mary Jo: to your dashboard question, I believe that yesdashboards in vims used this cold chain info.
from Josh Zamor to Everyone:
CHAI did build a number of reports, and we also tied this in with Requisition's Cold Chain tab, which I think powered a dashboard widget.
from VillageReach Admin to Everyone:
ok, thanks Josh.
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