OpenLMIS Global Vaccine Functionality
Status: Accepted and underway. See Vaccines for the most updated information on scope and efforts. |
Project Name: OpenLMIS Vaccine Functionality |
Organization: VillageReach |
Date: 2/25/16 (submitted to BMGF 1/5/16) |
Project Description: The current global momentum to accelerate next-generation immunization supply chains (NexGen iSC) has illuminated the need for quality, re-usable electronic logistics management information systems which meet the specific requirements of immunization programs. Through ongoing work with immunization information systems in Mozambique, Tanzania, Benin and Nigeria, VillageReach is seeing a consistency in requests coming from EPI programs and their partners regarding the functionality and reporting needed to manage vaccine logistics and program data. These requests include a common need across countries for flexible vaccine data collection tools, a consolidated view of vaccine service delivery and logistics data, cold chain inventory management, integration with/replacement of the DVD-MT, and vaccine stock management. VillageReach and UNICEF’s proposed Next Generation iSC work and the work of partners in other countries is likely to uncover similar requirements and requests. OpenLMIS does not currently have a module ready for deployment in the next country requesting these features. Much of the current EPI functionality in OpenLMIS was developed as custom, country-specific work and was not created in a globally configurable way. The requirements that led to this code are reusable, but much of the actual software development is not. As demonstrated in the Tanzania Vaccine Information Management System (VIMS) project, without a process to collect and document multi-country user requirements up front and a commitment by all partners and donors to re-usable, flexible, and configurable functionality, the resulting software will likely be country specific. The bulk of the work on new vaccine-specific functionality for OpenLMIS falls into two areas: (i) front-end data collection flexibility and configurability for different supply chain designs and associated workflow variations (i.e., push and pull distribution models); and (ii) improved reporting and analytics. In order to be globally reusable, OpenLMIS vaccine functionality needs to have fully configurable low-bandwidth data collection options which support both push and pull systems and reporting functionality that is flexible enough to meet country-level and global reporting requirements. By collecting these requirements in a systematic way and developing the resulting software release in a fully configurable way, additional countries will be able to implement OpenLMIS to support their iSC with lower financial and technical barriers to entry. |
Business Case |
What Country or Customer is Requesting this Project/Feature Set? What is the Market Demand? We have received specific requests for this functionality from the following countries: Mozambique, Benin, Tanzania Note that without a comprehensive, global feature set in place, these countries are building one-off solutions to meet their immediate needs. This is the impetus for the coordinated request to conduct a CRDM process across multiple countries and build a generic vaccine functionality feature set. In addition to the countries noted above, we have seem similar needs in other countries where OpenLMIS is not currently deployed, such as Malawi, Nigeria, DRC, and Uganda. Because EPI programs have been largely standardized across WHO and GAVI countries, we believe that the demand likely exists in other countries as well, and the introduction of Next Generation iSC will only increase the necessity of this work. |
What is the benefit of this project/feature to the OpenLMIS product? For donors, this project provides an opportunity to fund this feature development once and benefit multiple countries, rather than continue to invest in one-off country-specific customization to OpenLMIS (or, creation of other bespoke solutions). For implementors, the project would add vaccine support to the domain that OpenLMIS can serve "out of the box" without creating custom code. This significantly broadens the scope of potential OpenLMIS implementations. From a product perspective, OpenLMIS is intended to be a single system that can serve the needs of all programs and supply chain designs. The initial OpenLMIS CRDM process focused on the needs of non-EPI programs (Essential Meds, Malari, TB, HIV, etc) and did not evaluate vaccine program needs. In order for OpenLMIS to be a compelling tool for country EPI programs, and countries looking to manage their vaccine and other program logistics in one system, OpenLMIS needs to undertake a similar effort for EPI. The proposed project would create global OpenLMIS functionality that subsumed country-specific functionality that is available, but toggled-off, in the 2.0 release:
Project Plan |
What date must this project/feature set be available? There is no specific date this functionality is needed, however the longer this is delayed the more likely it will be that a country-specific project will arise, resulting in another one-off implementation. |
Has a high-level requirements document been created? No, however requirements from the VIMS project, as well as Mozambique and Benin requirements, will be leveraged to start the CRDM process. |
Who will perform the software development? Not yet determined |
Will the code that is created be contributed back to the OpenLMIS Community via the GPL Aphero 3.0 license? Are there any IP barriers to making the code available under this license? Yes. No IP barriers. |
Are there any other materials, such as a concept note or requirements, that can be shared with the product committee to support their review of this project? No |
Estimated project budget $1,100,000 including CRDM process across 3-5 countries and software development
Does the project/feature set have committed funding? If yes, who? If no, who are the target funders? No. This project was originally proposed to BMGF as part of VillageReach's work on supply chain redesign. BMGF remains the primary target funder for this project. Other potential funders include GAVI and UNFPA. Another funding option is to pool funding from proposed country-specific projects to build the global feature set. |
Coordination |
Does this project feature have dependencies on any other product backlog items or projects? This project is dependent on the OpenLMIS re-architecture. We propose conducting the CRDM process in 2016, with software development commencing in 2017. Requirements from this process will feed into the re-architecture while it is in progress to inform needed extension points and services. The project is not dependent on a specific re-architecture approach. |
Are there related projects that are proposed or in-progress that could be coordinated with this project to provide maximal benefit? If yes, what is your plan for coordinating with these projects? Tanzania VIMS and VAN: The Tanzania VIMS and VAN projects have already and will continue to provide useful requirements which should be leveraged in this project, allowing the value of this requirements work to benefit both Tanzania as well as the overall global functionality set. We would recommend a results framework item included in this project, as well as the VAN project, to align and share the requirements work. These projects should coordinate and jointly leverage requirements and design work. At the code level, VIMS and VAN Tanzania will be assess to determine where reuse may be possible, however due to the re-architecture as well as the country-specific requirements for Tanzania that were implemented in VIMS, we think reuse of actual code is unlikely. Mozambique VAN: Many of the features being requested by Mozambique as part of VAN, such as DVD-MT replacement, are likely to be delivered as part of the OpenLMIS Vaccine Functionality project. There are potential cost savings and synergies on technology costs were both projects to move forward. BID: Brian - any overlap here? Perhaps on best practices? NexGen Supply Chain: Most countries adopting a supply chain transformation project will want to adopt an information system to support the selected system design. Availability of generic, globally applicable functionality that can easily be deployed to these countries will reduce country-level costs for implementation of vaccine system redesign projects.
Committee Feedback & Questions | |
Commentor | Comment |
Product Committee Review |
Is the form complete? |
Is the project/feature set within the domain space of LMIS? |
Will the proposed feature add value to the OpenLMIS global product? |
What alignment is needed with other ongoing software development efforts? |
What are the risks to this project contributing to OpenLMIS global product? |
Has this project been added to the OpenLMIS Roadmap? |
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