2020-02-27 Meeting notes

2020-02-27 Meeting notes


Feb 27, 2020


  • @Matthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated)

  • @Felimone Amone Junior

  • @Ben Leibert

  • CC: @Christine Lenihan

Discussion topics







EPI Meeting

@Felimone Amone Junior

Felimone was given volume numbers and will add them to Orderables.csv.

Requisitions: we now know which fields are necessary in order to match the paper forms and, fortunately, all of the ones we need are already offered by OpenLMIS' requisition-template.

The only fields we should have in the requisition templates are:

  • Beginning balance

  • Stock on hand

  • Maximum stock

  • Total Consumed

  • Total Losses and Adjustments (This should be a simple/single value input, and shouldn't let users distinguish between different types of losses.)

We'll use a unique requisition-template for provincial warehouses. Its beginning-balance field should be auto-populated from stock-management. Everything else about its requisition-template, though, should remain the same.

Felimone will update the requisition-templates.

UAT Workshop

@Felimone Amone Junior

We now have a list of intended participants - there will be about 30 folks, including 4 EPI managers. Money is tight and we don’t have much for travel. Although budgetary constraints may necessitate that we get through everything in just a single day, Felimone will check with Ida to see whether we can extend it to two. Regardless of how long it is, the workshop will be held sometime during the week of March 9th.

System Configuration

@Felimone Amone Junior

SELV’s current CCE configuration is stale. Although Felimone has new CCE data, associating it with actual facilities is a laborious process that Felimone is working on.

Felimone already uploaded new Role and RoleAssignment CSV files.


@Matthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated) and @Felimone Amone Junior

Felimone is running through the scripts that Matt created and will let Matt know if he encounters problems with them. Felimone has run into several issues while testing and will either create tickets and/or hold a meeting to present them to the dev team.

Action Items

@Felimone Amone Junior will update the requisition templates.
@Felimone Amone Junior will check with Ida to see whether we can extend the UAT workshop to two days.
@Felimone Amone Junior will provide the dev team with CCE configuration when possible.
@Felimone Amone Junior will add volume values to Orderables.cvs.