Demo scripts for TechNet

Demo scripts for TechNet

The following instructions and demo scripts are for Vidya Sampath and Timoteo Chaluco (Unlicensed) to use during TechNet for the Innovations Cafe happening on Oct 19, 2017 17:30 - 18:30 (Portugal Time) - [9:30am Pacific]

Talking Points

  • OpenLMIS is very excited to build out support for vaccines. Today we are demon-ing "beta" features and we plan to release the full featureset in March with our 3.3 release. 
  • We are asking for feedback and input, please let us know if you are interested in joining listserv groups that ping/reach out to with questions.
  • We've built out the initial features for supporting the management of cold chain equipment, which include creating a centralized catalog (for example, the PQS) in which users at facilities leverage to associate/add specific equipment to a facility.
    • We are in conversation with NexLeaf for integrating with their platform to surface/show alerts.
  • We've built out the initial features for supporting the management of stock levels at various levels in the supply chain.
    • We are in conversations with OpenSRP to integrate and provide a mobile/offline way for health facilities to track stock levels alongside patient immunization data and registries. 


Please use the most recent version of Chrome when demoing. Do not use FireFox. First thing before demoing, CLEAR YOUR CACHE.  If you need any instructions on how to do this, please reach out to Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated).

Demo Support

Paweł Gesek the demo we'd like you (or someone) to be online for support is at the following time. Timoteo and Vidya may need a restart of the demo-v3 server. 

Oct 19, 2017 17:30 - 18:30 (Portugal Time) 

Login Information

URL: demo-v3.openlmis.org

Role Name
Login Information
Home Facility

user name: divo1

password: password

Dep—sito Distrital Cuamba


user name: administrator

password: password

User Scenarios

You can use the following stories to demo the stock management and cold chain features. Please note there is a known issue OLMIS-3334 so please take care and only show/look at CCE at your SUPERVISED facilities and not the DIVOs home facility. ALSO, please make sure to demo adding the SPECIFIC equipment we outline below to ensure it shows up at the top of the list.


For user scenarios 1 - 5 (Tenly Snow (Deactivated): Use Stock Management script for DIVO Scenarios 1&2 201708_Stock Management Demo Script_EN.docx)

  1. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and issue stock.
  2. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and perform a physical inventory.
  3. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and make an adjustment to my stock levels.
  4. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and receive stock. 
  5. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and see the SOH for my facility and my supervised facilities.  
  6. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and see which refrigerators are functioning and which need attention for my facility and for my supervised facilities. (We will only demo for supervised facilities until  OLMIS-3334 - Getting issue details... STATUS  is completed)
  7. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and add a new CCE device to a SUPERVISED facility. Do NOT add a "solar with battery" equipment type.
    1. VERY Important: Add a Freezer with a serial number that starts with 1
  8. As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and update the functional statuses for two CCE at my SUPERVISED facilities.
    1. Select a CCE device from my list, open it and edit the device name.
  9. (optional, if possible) As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and sort CCE devices in my inventory by facility and by functional status.
  10. (optional) As a DIVO for a District store, I want to go into OpenLMIS and add a device of the new make/model that the administrator has newly added. (See Administrator (2) below)


  1. As a system administrator, I want to log into OpenLMIS and download the current CCE catalog.
  2. As a system administrator, I want to log into OpenLMIS and upload a CSV with my updated catalog. Then I want to download again to see how my changes have been updated in the system's catalog record.

DIVO Scenario #6

As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and see which refrigerators are functioning and which need attention for my facility and for my SUPERVISED facilities. (We will only demo for supervised facilities until  OLMIS-3334 - Getting issue details... STATUS  is completed)

1Log into the application.
2From the top menu, choose "CCE Management".
3Choose "CCE Inventory".
4Check whether the table with devices is visible. User should see entire list of CCE inventory items at their supervised facilities
5Check whether the table has suitable content. The table has the following columns: District, Facility, Serial No., Make/Model, Type, Functional Status (if a Functional Status is Non-Functioning or Obsolete you can hover over the Functional Status to see more information), Last Updated, Year Installed, Replacement Year, and Actions (View).
6Check whether everything is in line with the mock-up.
7Click on the "View" button. The View CCE modal pops up.
8Check whether everything is in line with the mock-up. 
9Check whether the modal has correct content. In the View CCE modal, all fields should not be editable except the Functional Status. A user can click on the Functional Status and change the status. Otherwise a user must click the Edit button to make any edits to the CCE details. Only fields containing data will display on this View CCE modal (for an example the Source field is not populated therefore it does not display on the View CCE modal). The following fields should display when the user clicks View: Functional Status (this shows the Functional Status and the Last Updated information), District, Facility, Program, Equipment Type, Make/Model, Serial Number, Reference Name, Utilization, Year of Installation/Commission, Voltage Stabilizer, Voltage Regulator, Backup Generator, Manual Temperature Gauge and Remote Temperature Monitor.
10Click on the "Close" button.
11Click on the "View" button to make edits.
12Click on the "Edit" button. When the user clicks on the Edit button, the modal changes to allow the user to make edits to all fields. Additional fields also display such as Source, Year of Warranty Expiry, and Additional Notes. Do not make any changes and click Cancel.
13Check whether the modal has correct content.
14Check whether everything is displayed correctly.
15Return to the previous view and click on the modal's part related to the device's functional status.
16Check whether the modal has correct content.
17Check whether everything is displayed correctly.
18Return to the previous view.
19Check whether the modal has correct content.
20Check whether everything is displayed correctly.

Click on the "Close" button.

DIVO Scenario #7

As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and add a new CCE device to a facility within my purview.

1Log into the application as a user not authorized to add new CCE devices.
2Login as a user authorized to manage CCE inventory
3From the top menu, choose "CCE Management".
4Choose "CCE Inventory".
5Check whether the "Add Equipment" button is visible.
6Click on the "Add Equipment" button.
7Check whether everything is in line with the mock-up. When the user clicks Add Equipment, the Add New Cold Chain Equipment modal pops up and the first set of required fields are visible to edit: Facility Type (either select My Facility or Supervised Facility), Facility, Program, Equipment Type, and Make/Model. Once the user completes all of these fields correctly they will click Next to continue adding a new cold chain equipment item. When the user clicks Next, the following fields should display: Functional Status (this shows the Functional Status and the Last Updated information), District, Facility, Program, Equipment Type, Make/Model, Serial Number, Reference Name, Utilization, Year of Installation/Commission, Voltage Stabilizer, Voltage Regulator, Backup Generator, Manual Temperature Gauge and Remote Temperature Monitor. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
8Check whether suitable options and data are visible.
9Fill in all fields and click on the "Cancel" button.
10Choose "No".
11Click on the "Cancel" button.
12Choose "Yes".
13Click on the "Add Equipment" button.
14Fill in all fields and click on the "Next" button.
15Fill in all fields and click on the "Save" button.
16Repeat steps 9-10.
17Repeat steps 11-16.
18Click on the "Cancel" button.
19Return to the "Equipment Functional Status" modal.
20Fill in all fields and click on the "Update" button.
21Check whether the new device is visible on the list.

DIVO Scenario #8

As a DIVO for a District store, I want to log into OpenLMIS and update the functional statuses for two CCE that are already in my list.

  • Select a CCE device from my list, open it and edit the device name.
1Log into the application.
2From the top menu, choose "CCE Management".
3Choose "CCE Inventory".
4Click on the button enabling one to change the device's functional status. The Functional Status modal displays the following uneditable fields: Equipment Name, Facility, Equipment Type, Current Status, and a Functional Status dropdown. Change the Functional Status. If Functional Status is Functioning, there are no additional dropdowns available. If the Functional Status is Non-Functioning, the user must select a Reason not working or not in use by selecting from the dropdown list. If the Functional Status is Obsolete, the user must select a Reason not working and not in use and also select a Decommission Date.
5Check whether everything is in line with the mock-up.
6Check whether the modal's content is correct.
7Click on the "Cancel" buton.
8Repeat step 4.
9Click on the "Update" button.
10Fill in all required fields and click on the "Update" button. When the status is updated, the Last Updated field should reflect the user name, date, and time the changes were made.

Notification for nonfunctional CCE (Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated), Tenly Snow (Deactivated), should this be part of the demo?)

1Log into the application.
2Go to CCE Management; CCE Inventory.
3Change any equipment's functional status to "Non-functioning" by clicking on the status next to the CCE inventory item and editing.
4Go to the mailbox for the DIVO user
5Check whether the message's content is correct.
6Check whether the data in the message are correct.
7Check whether the link contained in the notification works correctly.
8Repeat steps 1-7 with a different CCE inventory item
9Change the CCE inventory item status to any other status (obsolete, functioning) and verify that no email is sent.

Administrator Scenario #1

As a system administrator, I want to log into OpenLMIS and download the current CCE catalog.

1Log in
2Go to Administration; Equipment
3Click Export button
4Compare CSV file with CCE Catalog template
5Fill CSV using template from https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-cce/tree/master/src/main/resources/csvTemplates/catalogItem and upload file using Select File and then Upload button
6Click Export button

Administrator Scenario #2

As a system administrator, I want to log into OpenLMIS and upload a CSV with my updated catalog. Then I want to download again to see how my changes have been updated in the system's catalog record.

(Also includes error handling for CSV upload)

1From the top menu, choose "Administration".
2Choose "Equipment". User is directed tot he Manage Equipment Catalog page. Review and explain the "Steps to update the Cold Chain Equipment Catalog".
3Click on the "Upload" button.
4Click on the "Close" button.
5Upload an empty CSV file. When the user clicks Upload, they will immediately see an error message on the Equipment page that explains why the file was not uploaded.
6Remove the uploaded file from the field and upload one in a format different than CSV.
7Remove the uploaded file from the field and upload one in the CSV format but with an error in a record, e.g. incorrect column label.
8Click on the "Close" button.
9Try to upload a file in the CSV format but with invalid headers.
10Click on the "Close" button.
11Try to upload a file in the CSV format but with a missing mandatory column.
12Click on the "Close" button.
13Select a file to upload that is correct and complete. Click Upload.
14The user should be directed back to the Equipment page and see a notification that the file has successfully uploaded. Now the user can click the "Export" button and complete Administrator Scenario #1 again.

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