2020-04-07 Sprint Transition
Apr 7, 2020
Participants & Internal Stakeholders
@Felimone Amone Junior
@Matthew Kumbuyo (Deactivated)
@Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
@Christine Lenihan
@Ben Leibert
@Sebastian Brudziński
@Aleksandra Ciesińska
@Mateusz Kwiatkowski
@Oskar Hinc (Unlicensed)
@Mateusz Kwiatkowski is moving to another project at weeks' end. It’s awesome to have him on any team, and was great having him on the SELV-Upgrade one. @Mateusz Kwiatkowski has accomplished a lot so far.
@Mateusz Kwiatkowski moved the remained of the Batch Approval work into QA, which is great!
@Ben Leibert had the chance to close a number of small Superset related issues, which was fun. : )
It’s good that we tried restarting the Production server at this early phase of the project, before we were reliant on it, and thereby learned that it doesn’t gracefully restart.
We ran into some issues with the data-pump (more on this later).
@Aleksandra Ciesińska was focused near exclusively on the Angola project this past week.
@Mateusz Kwiatkowski finished https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/SELV3-183.
@Mateusz Kwiatkowski showcased https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/SELV3-120 and https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/SELV3-144. The former is Done and the latter is in QA.
@Ben Leibert showcased one of the column-name changes representative of the minor tickets he closed:
Welcome aboard, @Oskar Hinc (Unlicensed)! He’ll be with us for about 80% of his time.
The project is winding down. We don’t have much more time on it, @Aleksandra Ciesińska is predominately focused on OpenLMIS-Angola, and this leaves us exclusively with 80% of Oskar’s time by week’s end.
@Ben Leibert will be out of the office this Thursday and Friday.
Because the project is winding down, we’ll focus on refinement (bug fixes and minor improvements) rather than on adding large new pieces of functionality like https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/SELV3-31.
We needn’t address https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/SELV3-70.
Facilities distribute products amongst CCE based on the products' necessary storage-temperature. (We previously decided that our CCE-capacity indicator doesn’t need to distinguish between the operating temperatures of equipment.) Facilities don’t, however, distribute products amongst CCE based on the programs to which the products and CCE belong. If there’s available storage, they simply use it. Our CCE Capacity indicator should therefore be program-agnostic as well.
There were some issues with the data-pump upon which the new Batch Approval section relies. @Mateusz Kwiatkowski will introduce @Oskar Hinc (Unlicensed) to it, both of whom will rely on @Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) for support as necessary.
Action Items