80 minutes | Actualização do SELV e SIGLUS para o OpenLMIS v3 | @Dércio Duvane @Felimone Amone Junior | Upgrade to v3 SELV is performing a gap analysis this month and will have a workshop to disseminate and refine requirements; PSM and CMAM will be part of the activity; SIGLUS will also upgrade to v3. The Vilankulos trial model with device sharing would be ideal for a larger area test. Recently ThoughtWorks visited the country to meet with PSM with the objective of drafting the scope of work and budget for the upgrade of SIGLUS and SIMAM. PSM and ThoughtWorks are reviewing and refining the processes and requirements with special focus on the MMIA which is currently not supported by the system.
Hosting: There are questions wether SELV expects to be hosted in Mozambique. Due to the legislation this might be ideal. SIGLUS expects to be hosted in country with mirrors in AWS; On the week of Jul 22, 2019, PSM is to meet with INAGE in order to assess the National Maluana Tech Park for hosting eHealth system. VillageReach will also join on this activity.
Collaboration: PSM is already sharing the SIGLUS source code with the partners; The Timeframes and funding might not align for SELV and SIGLUS, however both instances can share: Master data: to be supplied from the SARA study and CMAM; Requirements, Processes and Features: Low hanging fruits can and must be shared between instances; Advocacy: integration of health systems towards the MoH and CMAM;
The establishment of local development partners still on the radar for PSM. This remotes to the conversations held with @Brandon Bowersox-Johnson regarding the a Hackathon and a local developers. Both institutions agree on the creation of a collaboration framework, clearly stating the different areas of partnerships. @Ruth Bechtel (Unlicensed) will share the model signed with PLM.