2018-01-23 Defining Total Received/Consumed Qty for Stock Based Requisitions
- Define total received / consumed quantities and losses/adjustments
- Decide what we do for 3.3 vs. what is our long-term plan
The work is tracked by - OLMIS-3978Getting issue details... STATUS
Total Received Qty
Total received quantity is defined as following in the reporting:
Either (source is not null) or (reason name = "transfer in") or (reason type = "credit" and reason category = "transfer")
Total Consumed Qty
Stock Management does not allow to capture consumption information at this point. How do we then define consumption?
- All negative adjustments?
- Adding a way to capture consumption in Stock Mgmt?
- A new issue type?
- Would we also need UI?
- Add a new adjustment reason to Stock Mgmt? Could potentially re-use one that we already have, like Consumed
Total Losses/Adjustments
- All adjustments made during the given period that don't fall into any of the above categories
Alternative approach
Introduce tags to Stock Reasons. Tags would be a free text and they would allow the administrator to categorize the reasons. The Stock based requisition template would allow the administrator to specify the tags that contribute toward total received qty / total consumed qty and even possibly total losses/adjustments.
LoE: at the minimum: update Stock Reason and Requisition Template models and Create/Update endpoints to accept tag(s). Then follow up with the previously planned API design to retrieve line items based on period, tags and possibly more params to satisfy Stock based requisition. If we pick the minimum version (most simple tag matching; no UI for tags) this shouldn't be big overhead.
Action items
- Sebastian Brudziński follow-up on the proposed options, estimations, drawbacks on Wednesday, 24 Jan
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