Stock Management - Analysis Meeting 09 Jan 2017
Agenda (from an email Shiyu sent)
Mary Jo's questions are in blue.
Stories re-organisation and prioritization;
After reviewing all stories belong to release 3.0 and recent analysis discussion, we have an idea about re-organise those stories. Basically, we have divided them into 8 tickets.
MJ: I look forward to discussing. It would be useful to understand the relation of these stories (if new) to the current stories. If easier, you could create the ticket and dependencies and we could review them together.
1. Configure reasons(with sql script)
As an Implementer, I want to be able to create new reasons in OpenLMIS so that I can assign those reasons to different facility and programs.
- AC1: For physical stock count, the reasons will be pre-defined. There should be 3 predefined reasons: +/-/= physical inventory. These will not change across implementations.
For adjustment reasons, ad-hoc issue reasons, and ad-hoc receive reasons: - AC2: Implementer should be able to add 2 types of reasons: regular/other
- AC2: Each regular reason should have a name, a +/-
- AC3: Each “other” reason should have a name, a +/-, and it can be associated with multiple free text
Question: Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) is this a new story or a precursor to existing stories? Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) is this for adjustment reasons? If so, could we use the reasons already stored in reference data that requisition pulls? -mj
2. Configure valid reasons for program and facility type combination(with sql scripts)
As implementer I want to assign existing reasons to different facility and programs so that I can maintain different reason list for different facility & programs
- AC1: Each assignment should have an existing reason, a facility type, a program
Question: Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) is this a new story or a precursor to existing stories?
3.Configure valid “receive from/issue to” for program and facility type(with sql scripts)
As implementer I want to configure the value for “receive from and issue to” column based on facility and program so that only valid destinations would be seen by end users.
- AC1: aside from the concept of facility that already exists, there should be an additional concept as “organization”, which has a name, and it can be associated with multiple free text
- AC2: A valid from/to could be either a facility or an organization
- AC3: each assignment should have a facility type, a program, and a facility/organization
- AC4: from and to should be two distinct lists
Question: Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) is this a new story or a precursor to - OLMIS-632Getting issue details... STATUS and - OLMIS-633Getting issue details... STATUS ?
4. Make movement, in which stock cards will be created (without validation)
As a storeroom manager, I want to be able to create stock movements as well as new stock card so that I can record all stock movements in OpenLMIS.
First-time movement:
- AC1: A first-time movement should consist of: facility, product, program, Date, Document number, Received quantity, Received from, Issue quantity, Issue to, Adjustment quantity, Adjustment reason, Stock on Hand, Signature
- AC2: when attempting to make a first-time movement, then a new stock card should be created
- AC3: Stock card should not be created if the product is not in the facility’s approved list
Subsequent movement:
- AC1: A subsequent movement should consist of: Stock card, Date, Document number, Received quantity, Received from, Issue quantity, Issue to, Adjustment quantity, Adjustment reason, Stock on Hand, Signature
Question: can one facility have multiple facility types?
MJ: currently facilities can only have one type. However, as we move into local fulfillment we may need to readdress this.
Question: where does donor field on the stock card come from initially?
MJ: I believe it would be a global configuration or initial upload. Lakshmi Balachandran do you agree?
Question: price per unit, should this be on stock card header? Or a stock card line item? Where does it come from?
MJ: header. It is configured on set up of the system or as new products are added centrally as version 2 of OpenLMIS does.
5.validation rules for movement
As a storeroom manager, I want to have a validation rule for creating stock movements in the system so that I can avoid making errors.
6. view single stock card api
7. View list of stock cards api
8. Configure min stock
But we think this story should be a low priority story and it can be exclued from release 3.0 but included in release 3.1?
User cases discussion for stock movements;
Let me know if you have anything else to be covered in this meeting. Looking forward to talking to you tomorrow.
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