Stock Management Analysis - 2017 01 24

Stock Management Analysis - 2017 01 24

AttendeeLakshmi BalachandranShiyu Jin (Deactivated), and Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)

Time: 6:00am Pacific

Agenda for Analysis Meeting on 24th Jan 2017

  • OLMIS-1633 Validation rules for stock movement 
    • Discussion: reviewed the AC and asked to remove some confusing language but overall it looks.
  • The current scope of release 3.0 and what is the release date?    As for our understanding, release means we release those complete stories to UAT environment?
    • Code for completed stories will be released to the UAT environment after each showcase.
    • Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) to follow up with Brandon about DofD and QA with TW.
    • Current scope still need to be defined
  • As for the question #25 on the production committee open question list, do we allow users to correct historical stock movement? If yes, which option do we prefer from below option list?
    • Replacement being scratching the old record off and creating a new one with correct information. I think this option is out for OpenLMIS if we want immutability to preserve full audit trail.
    • Reversal being creating 2 new entries for each error, one to cancel the error out, another one to represent correct information.
    • Difference (within the past date) being creating a new entry that captures the difference between what was recorded and what should've been recorded
    • Difference (within the current date) being creating a new entry that captures the difference between what was recorded and what should've been recorded
      • Discussion: Lakshmi Balachandran asked, Are we clear on how to record historical movements? For historical, TW suggests using option 3. Viewing stockcards will show users the user defined dates (not the backend dates). Reports and SOH views, will provide options for users to chose Occur versus Notice dates.
      • For the first three options, we need to recalculate the SOH. The fourth option, you do not need to. This adds complexity. Potentially impact notifications and reports. Anything else??
        • Notice dates: are the back end dates (Shiyu Jin (Deactivated) will add an example). We assume the main users are auditors.
        • Occur dates: the user defined dates. We assume the main users are storeroom managers.
  • Other topics if we have 

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