2017-05-16 Meeting notes

2017-05-16 Meeting notes




  1. Outcomes or changes due to 1696
  2. Remove
  3. Permissions
  4. Demo data
  5. Ref Data change

Discussion items

5 mins

OLMIS-2518 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Discuss the remove physical inventory UI
10 mins 

OLMIS-2511 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2512 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  •  The current status of these two stories created based on showcase feedback
5 mins

OLMIS-1696 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Do we have a valid user case or business value supports this new design?
15 mins

OLMIS-2519 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • Update permission rule validation

Action items


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