Integration and interoperability

Integration and interoperability

Target release
Document status
Document owner
Technical Lead


Identify systems and use cases for integration. When possible and where this if funding, build out proof of concepts to demonstrate feasibility.


There are many requests and ideas circulating around about having OpenLMIS integrate with other systems. This spec is to document some of those opportunities in further detail. 


  • Does no include Order file transfers via FTP to National ERPs
  • Focus on API driven integrations

User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotesJIRA Tickets
1DHIS2 integration POCAs a DIVO, I would like to see the coverage data (how many patients for a specific vaccine were vaccinated last month) from as specific facility in DHIS2 prior to determining how much stock to send a facility so that I account for the upcoming demand.

2DHIS2 integration POCAs an EPI Manager, I want to see the coverage data (DHIS2) next to the supply chain data (OpenLMIS).

3DHIS2 integration POC

DRAFT idea

As OpenLMIS, I would like to know when a patient is immunized so I can validate the issue/open vial wastage ....

  • very draft idea and needs more research


As the OpenLMIS system, I want my facilities to match/map to the facilities within DHIS2 so that I can pull data from desired facilities... (needs some work)

  • Need to identify source system
  • DHIS2 populates unique IDs for each facility
  • Can DHIS2 support their party facility registry or standards (i.e. GLN identifiers)?

  • during the July 18 2017 Product committee meeting, members raised the importance of mapping facilities between the systems

5ODK2 CCE app

Draft idea

As a CCE technician, I would like to update cold chain functionality of a piece of CCE at a facility on a tablet/phone, so that DIVOs know when CCE is not functioning and shouldn't resupply.

As a surveyor, I would like to take inventory on what CCE exists at each facility so that OpenLMIS has an updated inventory count of all CCE.


6Facility Registry (OpenHIE)

Draft idea

As OpenLMIS, I want my my facilities to match/map to the country's source facility list so that my list of facilities is updated and reflective of the most recent list. (really includes the new facilities and deactivation of facilities)

  • Need to figure out the workflow of making assignments for new facilities
  • Need to figure out the workflow around archiving/deactivating facilities

7Mobile: Create an order

DRAFT and needs more discussion

As a mobile user tracking stock movements, I want to send my orders (or I want to ping OpenLMIS to generate an order) to OpenLMIS for fulfillment.

Detailed discussion: OpenSRP and OpenLMIS Integration

8Mobile: Confirm delivery

DRAFT and needs more discussion

Detailed discussion: OpenSRP and OpenLMIS Integration




Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1Is there a DVD-MT module within DHIS2?Reached out to BAO and Ghana but it seems like there isn't a module but more of a mapping of data elements.Closed
2How does a DIVO want to see the data from DHIS2? Or what levels of the supplychain view reports where logistics data is needed?

3What data elements from OpenLMIS should be pushed to DHIS2?Stock outs, wastage,


Notes with Steffen 9/13

  • Actual use case - data structures
  • Supply levels may be more simple - can set alerts with DHIS2
  • Will trigger a link to send them back to OpenLMIS
  • #s of patients immunized (daily) - gets into political questions about differing systems 
  • Data visualization of stock levels (red, yellow, green) based on stock levels 
    • How could that link to vaccine data in DHIS2? 
    • Could link to/compare to immunizations performed 
    • Could build indicators inside DHIS2 and combine with stock indicators in OpenLMIS - predictive modeling and show trends 
    • Data generator/scrambler 
    • Proof of concept for a real integration 

  • National view - approx 6 products 
  • Higher level - snapshot
  • Different user - would see specific alerts for a specific district 
  • DHIS2 coverage data - how to expose that in OpenLMIS? 

Out of Scope

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