November 17 2015
Attendance Information
7AM PST - Seattle
10AM EST - New York, DC
5PM CEST - CEST, Geneva, Copenhagen, Joburg
6PM EAT - Dar
Meeting Number: 196 307 742
Host Key: 707674
Audio Connection: +1-415-655-0001
Item | Presenter |
Feedback from Technical Team on prioritized list of re-architecture end-state. Follow-up as needed. | Kevin |
Discussion of MOTECH Suite as an interoperability layer. | Kevin |
Additional tools needed? Current
| Kevin |
In attendance: Ashraf Islam, Kevin Cussen, Gaurav Bhattacharya, Lakshmi Balachandran, Brian Taliesin, Renee Orser, Rich Magnuson
Discussed feedback from tech team (Rich spoke on behalf) on clarification of end-state deliverables. Updated the priorities list to reflect discussions. Kevin was having technical issues, so we transitioned over to Rich leading the call. Notes can be seen here.
Kevin shared that he will be meeting with MOTECH product owner next week and discussing the amount of effort that would go into a MOTECH / OpenLMIS integration. Brian mentioned that MOTECH will be a consumer of the OpenHIE interoperability standard and as such he felt this was the right move. Ashraf seconded.
Kevin voiced frustration about the speed with which the process was moving given 2 week check-in intervals. Provided a few options for speeding up turn-around time specifically around the re-architecture process. No one dissented against meeting more often than weekly for specific tasks. Specifically regarding the re-architecture, Kevin added columns so that everyone could provide additional notes on what they understand an item on the re-architecture end-state to be. Kevin and the re-architecture team will consult these notes when creating epics and user stories for the re-architecture. The product committee will then have another opportunity to view the user stories that come out of the process.
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