11/04/2016 Discussion
Discussed the UI-Inventory using this google slide deck
Forms must have required fields
Form action button should always be enabled
For longer forms it might be possible that a user doesn't see a required form. Ideally a user should be able to produce error messages.
Error Messages
There are two types of error messages that can be created, form level messages and system level messages.
Form level messages should highlight specific form fields, and produce a small alert near the form action button that describes that there was an error.
There is also a need for system-level messages which should be modals that need acknowledgement from the user.
Table Titles
Titles for tables shouldn't be directly built into the Table its self, but rather placed logically as a heading element. The rational for this is that it allows for flexiable content design, where the actual title of the table isn't extremely important to the table.
Table Clickable Items
Table items should always have their possible actions set of the right side of the table with an explicit button.
Table Empty Messages
When a table is empty, the columns of the table should still be displayed — the logic is to give a user an idea of the data they could expect to receive
Adding Items to Tables
Should be done with a modal button that is displayed when an "add" button is clicked
Table Error Messages
When error messages are displayed on a table, the cell should be turned red — but only on table cell focus, will a tool-tip error message be displayed
There also should be an error message near the action button that caused the error that will declare there are errors in the table and help a user navigate towards them
Search Controls
Should be Vertical and styled to not be obviously separated from the page and table contexts. Search forms should always have a search button.
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