2017-03-21 Meeting notes SN, RG, Roles, User Facilities

2017-03-21 Meeting notes SN, RG, Roles, User Facilities




  • Answer/review questions below to support OLMIS-2121 - Getting issue details... STATUS :

    Questions to answer:

    1. Is a requisition group always required? Example, if an approver is in the same facility as a requestor. Yes, the location of the approver doesn't matter in relation to how the supervisory node is set up. A requisition group is required to give a processing schedule to a facility based on program. The requisition workflow will not work if requisition groups aren't created. "Pull requisition" not push.
    2. Is a group member always required for a requisition group? (Facility? Yes)
    3. Is a facility required to have a Supervisory Node? Per the schema, no. But how does this impact the setup of a facility and ensure that all facilities have a supervisory hierarchy? Is this why the Supervisory Node is required to have a facility assigned? What is the purpose of having a facility assigned to a Supervisory Node? a facility is assigned because it gives the facility an administrative hierarchy that will then get assigned to a user - need more details

    A facility can have multiple SNs assigned to it. This enables multiple relationships to a single facility. If a facility will be a part of the requisition workflow, then a facility must be assigned to at least one SN.

    1. Is Supervisory Node always required for a requisition group? Yes
    2. If different users that are approvers, but the same level of approvals (approval hierarchy - number and order), are required for different programs, but the programs run on the same schedule and the facility is the same, can they be in one req group? Yes
    3. If two programs are on a separate schedule at separate facilities, with separate req groups, can they have the same supervisory node? A single requisition group is only associated with one SN. A parent SN would need to be set up for this scenario. (Need follow up on scenario where the first SN is associated with another facility, can it get routed to the higher SN?)
    4. Many users plus programs to one Supervisory Node? Yes
    5. Many facilities to one requisition group? Yes, one to many, but must have at least one
    6. Many programs to one requisition group, Yes, one to many but must have at least one
      1. Can have multiple programs in one req group, but not the same program with a diff schedule. Yes
      2. Can have multiple programs in one req group, but must have the same schedule. Doesn’t have to have the same schedule.
      3. When creating a req group, you can't add the same programs with different schedules.
      4. When creating a req group, you shouldn't enter same programs with same schedules.
    7. What is the definition of Home Facility for a user? Relates to permissions. There are ways that you can associated permissions for a user via supervision rights. Why is it not required for a user? One user can have supervision over multiple facilities. What do I supervise directly (home facility), what do I indirectly supervise? The supervision to the other facilities is assigned through roles. Some users might not need to directly supervise a facility. If a user isn't set up with a home facility, they can't create requisitions under "my facility" in requisition workflow.
    8. What is approval hierarchy made of? Number and order

    Action items

  • Sam Im (Deactivated) schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss any questions related to roles, rights and this scenario:Need follow up on scenario where the first SN is associated with another facility, can it get routed to the higher SN
  • Sam Im (Deactivated) complete diagram for overview of: top down authority structure: 
    1. At least one Supervisory Node must always exist
      • Variant: if two tier approval is required, create a parent SN (Two tier approvals can be understood better when rights/roles are identified - different people required where one creates, another authorizes, another approves, another
      • Variant:
    2. At least one Req Group must always exist that belongs to the SN
      • Variant: if programs run on different schedules, create another RG
      • Variant: if programs require different levels of approval, create another RG
    3. Req Group must always have assigned Supervisory Node
      • Variant: None
    4. A Program must be associated with a SN and a corresponding role or the user will not have the rights to approve

    Once these basic guidelines are defined by an administrator, then the facilities, users and roles are easily defined and assigned to an RG. High level steps would be to set up SN, set up RG and assign programs and SN, then set up users.

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