Program Data Example: SIIL and SELV Distribution Form

Program Data Example: SIIL and SELV Distribution Form


In SIIL/Benin and SELV/Mozambique, the Distribution Form is a multi-tab form filled out for each informed push vaccine distribution for each facility visited. The form contains numerous kinds of data: Visit Info, Cold Chain Equipment, Inventory/Stock, and Coverage.

Screenshots below are from SIIL and SELV in April 2017, thanks to access provided by Ben Leibert. This was gathered as part of work on planning Program Data for OpenLMIS 3, see https://openlmis.atlassian.net/browse/OLMIS-2246.


Tab 1: Visit Info

This tab has a blank form filled out for every visit:

The SELV version on the right has just one field (fewer than SIIL above):

Tab 2: Refrigerators

This tab has an interactive View/Add/Edit interface for each refrigerator:

The SELV version has fewer fields for each refrigerator:

Tabs 3 and 4: EPI Inventory and EPI Stock

The "ideal quantity" data in the EPI Inventory table is pre-populated based on load amounts. These are from populations or ideal stock amounts configured previously in the system (ISA, for example).

On the Inventory tab, the person doing the distribution records what they found upon arrival: what existing quantity, how much they delivered, and how much was wasted/spoiled.

The EPI Stock tab is for doing data entry based on the local stock cards for the preceeding month. The user enters data from paper records for stock distributed, losses, stockout days, etc. The data in the Inventory and stock tabs are not connected to each other.

Tabs 5 and 6: Coverage

These coverage forms display target values and perform live calculations for totals and coverage percentages:

These Coverage tabs are similar in SIIL and SELV, although SELV has an additional age range break-out for children:

Ben suggests that these Coverage tabs are the primary tabs that he considers "Program Data".

The structure/layout of this form is complex, and not something that a generic form-builder system could capture (XForms or similar tools for easy form creation).

Full Coverage Tab

The SELV system has an additional tab for Full Coverage:


Data collected on these forms is available in many SIIL-specific reports:

For example, this Distribution Completeness calculates percentages and color codes them:


  • Simple Data Collection: Very little of the SIIL Distribution Form appears to be a simple static data collection form. Perhaps only the Visit Info tab is truly static. The rest of the tabs needs to tie into outside data fields—Refrigerators, EPI Inventory and Stock, and Coverage. So most of this form is appropriate for interactive software and not a candidate for the kinds of simple forms that could be edited/customized by non-technical staff.
  • Calculators: A few tabs of the forms above include live calculators to show percentages or totals based on other fields entered.
  • Layouts: Most of these forms (tabs 3,4,5,6) have complex table layouts, including checkboxes within table cells.
  • Interactive Data Operations: The refrigerators tab is essentially an interactive application that allows viewing, adding, updating, and deleting operations.
  • Workflow: Unknown if this form goes through a workflow (submit, authorize, approve).
  • Reporting: This data is available for reporting (PDF, CSV, etc).
  • Progress Indicator: The SELV forms also have color-coding of each tab on the form along with the entire form in order to show your progress:

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