Configuration of the reporting AWS instance
In order to set up the reporting stack, there is a need for creating the instance to hold it first. The recommended way is to use the AWS EC2.
EC2 Instance
Go to AWS console -> EC2
Press Launch instance button
Select AMI: ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-xenial-16.04-amd64-server-20170619.1 (Community AMI’s)
Select type: m5.large
Select same VPC as OLMIS instance, rest of options should be default.
Set storage to 50 GiB gp2
Security group - use the security group which is used by the OpenLMIS instance
Security Groups
Openlmis and reporting stack instances should use the same security group, which should have at least those rules set:
Where PostgreSQL source is the ID of this security group.
Load Balancers
Create load balancer for the reporting instance with the following listeners configured:
(HTTPS protocol will require SSQL Certificates)
During configuration select the same Security group as in the OpenLMIS instance and reporting stack instance.
Configure the health check to:
Increase the Idle timeout property to 900 seconds
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software