Re-Supply Domain Parent Page

Re-Supply Domain Parent Page

Thsis page summarizes all the discussions had regarding this domain.


To Do

Domain Overview

Definitions, so we are all on the same page:

  • Pull SC = Requisitions SC = lower level sends requisitions orders to upper level and that's the foundation on what the amount of stock to give that level is built on. Req. Orders can be multiple time periods depending on local practice (biweekly, monthly, quarterly, as needed, emergency, etc).
  • Push SC - Allocations SC = upper level determines how much stock to give to lower level based on review of stock usage and supply data from the lower levels. Again, they might do this over multiple time periods depending on local practice.
  • Pick-up based transport model: lower level picks-up the stock from upper level
  • Delivery-based transport model: upper levels delivers the stock to the lower level 
  • You can have 5 types of supply chains as a result in a country and among st countries:
    • Pull/Requisition based that is pick-up transport model 
    • Pull/Requisition based that is delivery transport model 
    • Push/Allocation based that is pick-up transport model
    • Push/Allocation based that is delivery transport model
    • Ad-hoc, in that what's done on the ground is opposite of what country or region or district says it does on paper/in theory
  • One tricky part is figuring out which domain supports the workflow needed to stock up campaigns aka outreach aka mobile brigades. Given how long SM domain already is, suggest putting it in here during the workshop discussion.

This domain is focused on supporting the workflows needed to execute the order pick-ups and the order deliveries. CONSIDER DOMAIN NAME CHANGE to DELIVERY/PICK-UP DOMAIN?

Overall Domain Features

This section covers the features and stories relevant to both delivery and pick-up models

Card #Prepare Order based on Requisitions

View Pending Requisitions

As an issuer of stock I want a screen where I can view all my pending requisitions and select one to view and convert to issue so that I can react to requisitions sent to me

Acceptance Criteria:
1. Can be viewed by going to the menu bar and selecting, Requisitions > Approve
2. Columns displayed are Date of Requisition and Source (Facility Name)
3. Clicking a row or the issue button transfers me to the screen for converting that requisition to an issue

Label: VIMS