D. Reject Re-Supply Order (Delivery only)

D. Reject Re-Supply Order (Delivery only)

Target release3.3

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Tech Lead


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This page captures the workflows from both the supplier (RIVO or DIVO) and the receiver (DIVO or HF) stand-point. These workflows support tasks from the receiver's stand point such as rejecting and order and providing reasons for it,  and supplier's stand point such as updating own stock in CCE based on what products are coming back into the CCE that had been taken out for re-supply purposes.

User Stories

#TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotesJIRA Ticket
1Reject order (Full)

DIVO/HF rejects order and provides reason for every product line items that was rejected

(Full rejection of a product, i.e. all vials of that product are rejected)

Allocation + Del SC

Requisition + Del SC


2Reject Order (Partial)

DIVO/HF does partial rejection (only few vials of a product) and provides reason

Allocation + Del SC

Requisition + Del SC

NextThere was a post-it on the whiteboard at workshop that said, "ideas exist for workaround with SM domain" but not sure what the specific reference is - need to investigate further
3Supplier accept back into own CCESupplier accepts viable vials back into own (original) CCE and updates inventory data

Allocation + Del SC

Requisition + Del SC

NextWon't this be done as part of physical stock count updates in SM?
4Logging rejection reason into OpenLMISDIVO returns to home site and logs reasons for HF rejected order (full or partial) and provides reason why

Allocation + Del SC

Requisition + Del SC



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Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of the vaccine workshop:


Out of Scope

Out of scope for this feature OR potentially saving for future development.

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