Data Elements

Data Elements

1Facility listList of all facilities within relevant resupply programsRequired
2Vaccine listList of all vaccines in program (~10)Required
3Type of resupplyIndicates routine or emergency (or campaign?)Required
4SOH at fulfilling storeSOH for the resupplying entity (District or Regional)Required
5Available SOH for resupplyFulfilling SOH minus their forecasted wastageIdealThis is needed so that the resupplier retains enough stock at their own facility to not only cover their forecasted needs for the next period, but also to cover their anticipated wastage for that time as well.
6Receiver SOHSOH for the facility receiving the resupply (HF or District)RequiredFor allocation, this number will be input by the user
7Max stockMax stock amount by antigen in doses for every facilityRequiredDefined by SOP.
8Min stockMin stock amount by antigen in doses for every facilityRequiredDefined by SOP
9Buffer stockBuffer stock amount by antigen in doses for every facilityRequiredDefined by SOP
10Estimated Need by period by antigen by facilityForecasted vaccine period need by antigen for every facilityRequired


To be used by resupplier in determine fill quantities

aka. amount to resupply (allocation) or verifying amount to be approved for resupply (requisition)

11Target population by antigenTarget population by antigen for every facilityIdealTo be loaded into system by administrator
12Target coverage by antigenTarget coverage by antigen for every facilityIdealTo be loaded into system by administrator
13CCE functionality at receiving levelCCE functionality at receiving level to ensure that resupplied vaccines are maintained within the cold chainRequired

Calculated reorder amount

R&R from receiver facility for resupplier to review and approve (requisition)RequiredThis formula should be the same for a requisition from a receiving facility or allocation to a receiving facilitiy 
15Wastage factorWastage per antigen from last period for each facilityRequired

Calculate wastage factor (formula: 100 / (100 - rate of wastage) → If your wastage rate is 50%, you will only have half your stock left

16Calculated reorder amountReorder amount calculated by system for resupplier to review and approve for resupply (allocation)Nice to haveThis number is the receiver's forecasted need minus their Available SOH
17Historical consumptionRecord of facility's consumption for the past period and/or past X periodsNice to have
18Available CCE capacityUnoccupied space available in functional CCE at receiver facility for incoming vaccinesNice to have

Not possible without real-time stock data AND total vial capacity per CCE device

19PipelineInformation on upcoming shipmentsNice to have
20Last period's HMIS data per antigenHMIS data for each antigen for the last period for each facilityNice to haveThis would be used in the process where the resupplier is validating the SOH for the receiving facility (allocation). Our proposed solution keeps this information outside the system, but with a future integration this could be included as part of the resupply process. 


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