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Diagram of Key Workflows, MVP and Next in Scope

SC type (ordered by priority)Plan Re-Supply Order

Prepare Re-Supply Order for Delivery or Pick-Up

Accept OrderReject Order

Allocation (and delivery to receiver site)

Assumption: DIVO has updated SOH in OpenLMIS

View Critical Elements
Ability to set amounts to allocate (allocation workflow) or issue (requisition workflow)
Print Pick List (entire workflow did not make Josh's MVP cut)Confirm shipmentProof of DeliveryNotification to DIVO about pending shipment (did not make MVP cut)Confirmation of PODRejections and Acceptances back into original CCE
Reference Step 1 table above for what made MVP and got addtl votesBatch view/allocateRIVO sets amounts to allocates instead of going by just what system says s/he should

Basic pick list that shows

  • antigen
  • amt available
  • Batch/Lot
  • Expiry

**Received 5 votes up

Generate elec POD

NOTE: We covered this under notifications discussion

Goods in Transit notification when DIVO logs on to OpenLMIS

**Received 5 votes up

Confirmation by elec PODDIVO rejects and provides reason/ product line items (Full rejection of product)

System recommends based on FEFO and amount of antigen available in RIVO's stock

**Received 9 votes up

Advanced pick list that includes items in basic list above + location of antigen in cold room/CCE

**Received 2 votes up

Print option for elec POD

**Received 10 votes up

Confirmation screen includes options to initial/sign, enter date and time, and verify quantities

DIVO does partial rejection (only few vials of a product, etc) and provides reason

(Note on board that says ideas exist for workaround with SM domain – not sure what that's about)

System recommends top-up amount to max. (if min max policy exists for that country)

RIVO accepts back viable vials into original CCE and updates inventory data

Grouping antigens to their associated dry stock (syringes, diluents) etc (bundling)

**Received 4 votes up

Requisition (and delivery to receiver)

Assumption: DIVO has already submitted requisition request and it has been approve so now Supplier is viewing an "order request"

View Critical ElementsView RequisitionsAbility to set amounts to issue/allocatePrint Pick List (entire workflow did not make Josh's MVP cut)Confirm shipmentProof of DeliveryNotification to DIVO about pending shipment (did not make MVP cut)Confirmation of PODRejections and Acceptances back into original CCE
Reference Step 1 table above for what made MVP and got addtl votesBasic view (list of requisition ordersSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above for allocationSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above for allocationSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above for allocationSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above for allocationSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above for allocationSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above for allocationSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above for allocation

Grouping/ Batch for multiple requisitions

**Received 5 votes up

Prioritize reqs

Reject already approved requisitions (Edge case)

Managing exception cases

**Received 2 votes up

We did not have time to discuss workflows that are needed to support pick-up based systems but we believe the needs would be mostly similar to the ones identified here.

Scenario B (DIVO as supplier, HF as receiver; DIVO uses OpenLMIS, HF uses paper-based systems)

SC type (ordered by priority)Plan Re-Supply Order

Prepare Re-Supply Order for Delivery or Pick-Up

Accept OrderReject Order

Allocation (and pick-up by  HF)

Assumption: HFs have provided SOH data to DIVO (via paper, SMS, phone call, in-person etc); asynchronous

View Critical ElementsView SOH of receiver siteSet order fill quantitiesPrint Pick List (entire workflow did not make Josh's MVP cut)Confirm shipmentProof of DeliveryNotification to HF about pending shipment (did not make MVP cut)Confirmation of PODRejections and Acceptances back into original CCE
Reference Step 1 table above for what made MVP and got addtl votesCapture SOH of reciever site on OpenLMISDIVO sets amountsSame set of workflow stories as ones identified in table above for allocation in Scenario A but group agreed that volumes not as high at DIVO level for pick list as it as at RIVO levelSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above for allocation in Scenario APrint proof of receipt since HF cannot do ePODDoes not apply since it's pick-up based by HF

System recommends based on FEFO and amount of antigen available in DIVO's stock

**Received 9 votes up

System recommends top-up amount to max. (if min max policy exists for that country)

**Received 6 votes up

Requisition (and pick-up by HF)

Assumption: HFs are submitting paper requisitions to DIVO at pick-up; HF don't requisition if CCE is broken; real-time

View Critical ElementsRequisition info-captureSet order issue quantitiesPrint Pick List (entire workflow did not make Josh's MVP cut)Confirm shipmentProof of DeliveryNotification to HF about pending shipment (did not make MVP cut)Confirmation of PODRejections and Acceptances back into original CCE
Reference Step 1 table above for what made MVP and got addtl votesCapture SOH and requisition amount into OPenLMIS from paper-form given by HFSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for allocationSame set of workflow stories as ones identified in table above for allocation in Scenario A but group agreed that volumes not as high at DIVO level for pick list as it as at RIVO levelSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for allocationSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for allocationDoes not apply since it's pick-up based by HF

Allocation (and delivery to HF)

Assumption: HFs have provided SOH data to DIVO (via paper, SMS, phone call, in-person etc)

** Entire workflow Did not make MVP cut by JOsh but received 11 votes in support 
View Critical ElementsView SOH of receiver siteView load amounts
Print Pick List (entire workflow did not make Josh's MVP cut)Notification to HF about pending shipmentVisit HF
Supervisory RoleConfirmation of POD (incl. print options)
Rejections and Acceptances back into original CCE
Reference Step 1 table above for what made MVP and got addtl votesSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for allocation pick-upFor each HF for set time period across the delivery zones, based on critical elements dataSame set of workflow stories as ones identified in table above for allocation in Scenario A but group agreed that volumes not as high at DIVO level for pick list as it as at RIVO levelSMS notification to HF to say on the way with orderRecord visit observation (date, time, if no visit, then reason given)Record vaccine inventory data (existing stock, spoiled stock, just delivered stock, stock movements of previous month)Print proof of receipt since HF cannot do ePODDIVO returns to home site and records viable vials that s/he returned

Along with above, also view CCE status of HF

Record CCE status
DIVO returns to home site and records unviable vials that s/he returned and reason

Along with above two items, also view whether HF is open during planned visit time/date

Record immunizations performed data (program data)
DIVO returns to home site and updates and confirms final home site inventory

Requisition (and delivery to HF)

Assumption: HFs are submitting paper requisitions to DIVO before delivery; HF don't requisition if CCE is broken

** Entire workflow did not make MVP cut by Josh; also, small group thought this was least seen at country level but Amy changed mind next day and provided 6 countries that do this at last mile (Cameroon, Uganda, Kenya, Lesotho, Ethiopia, TZ); workflow did not receive any specific votes on Day 3

View Critical ElementsRequisition info-captureSet order issue quantitiesPrint Pick List (entire workflow did not make Josh's MVP cut)Notification to HF about pending shipment Visit HFSupervisory RoleConfirmation of PODRejections and Acceptances back into original CCE
Reference Step 1 table above for what made MVP and got addtl votesSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for requisition pick-upSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for requisition pick-upSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for requisition pick-upSMS notification to HF to say on the way with orderRecord visit observation (date, time, if no visit, then reason given)Same set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for allocation deliveryPrint proof of receipt since HF cannot do ePODSame set of workflow stories as ones identified above in this table for allocation delivery

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