Proposed work for Stock Based requisitions
- Support resupply functionality by making changes to existing requisitions, stock management, fulfillment, and POD services.
The process changes below support the 4 Re-supply types: (see Re-Supply).
Transport: Pick-up | Delivery | |
Requisition | 1. Requisition pick-up | 3. Requisition delivery |
Allocation | 2. Allocation pick-up | 4. Allocation delivery |
Proposed work to be prioritized
These are not in priority or implementation order.
- Configure authorize step in requisition workflow (MVP)
- Automatically create an order after requisition is approved (MVP - Priority 3)
- Current state: The Convert to Order step is required for External Fulfillment since the supplying warehouse is an external facility that is determined once the order is ready to fulfill (after requisition approvals).
Proposal: For Local Fulfillment, the supplying warehouse is known when the user is initiating the requisition (in some cases the same warehouse that initiates the requisition will fulfill), and requisitions will auto-convert to orders as soon as final approval is made.
- OLMIS-3918Getting issue details... STATUS
- Use ISA in Requisition product grid to calculate order quantities to resupply (MVP - Priority 1)
- Current state: Configurable ISA values are stored in OpenLMIS, but they are not visible or used anywhere in the Requisition process.
Proposal: Add ISA column as a configurable, optional column that can be added to any requisition template. If enabled, the column shows the read-only value of the ISA for each line item where an ISA is set in OpenLMIS.
- Requisition product grid fields are pre-populated from stock cards (MVP - Priority 2 - combined 4, 5, 7)
- Current state: No fields are pre-populated from stock management; beginning balance is pre-populated from previous period requisition closing balance, and average consumption is calculated from previous requisitions' consumption values.
Proposal: Add a configuration option into the Requisition Template to allow the following fields to be configured so they pre-populate from stock card data when a requisition is initiated: - OLMIS-3917Getting issue details... STATUS
- Requisition product grid (pre-populated) fields are read-only (MVP - Priority 2 - combined 4, 5, 7)
- Current state: Even with the feature above, the fields that are pre-populated from stock cards are editable in the requisition grid.
Proposal: Add a configuration option for admins to make the pre-populated fields read-only. For each of the following fields, if it is configured to pre-populate from stock cards, then it is read-only in every requisition status (no user can ever change the value) and the user only needs to enter requested quantities and an explanation.
Select Orderables to add to Requisition product grid (not part of MVP, in Gap analysis)Current state: When a user initiates a requisition it is populated with all orderables for that program per the FTAP list.Proposal: Allow a user to select orderables one-by-one to add to their requisition OR add all from the FTAP list (to keep existing process). If the user is adding one-by-one, they also need a way to remove an orderable if they made a mistake.
- Orderables auto-populate in Requisition product grid from Physical Inventory (MVP - Priority 2 - combined 4, 5, 7)
- Current state: When a user initiates a requisition it is populated with all orderables for that program per the FTAP list.
Proposal: Auto-populate the list of orderables in the requisition product grid from the set of products that were captured in the most recent Physical Inventory.
Creating more than one regular requisition in a period (Not needed, this is an Order concept)Current state: Only one regular requisition can be initiated/in existence per period (if you delete a requisition, then you can initiate a new one for that same period).TBD Proposal: To support resupply we must allow for many regular requisitions within a period.Proposed solutions TBD.
- Capture requisition if receiving facility does not have OpenLMIS (MVP - This is wrong, we need to have a requirement and proposal for creating an order)
- Current state: When a receiving facility does not have OpenLMIS, the supplying facility can create an Issue in Stock Management to decrement their stock and supply the facility.
TBD Proposal: Issue Voucher - part of Stock Management for Vaccines that got 5 votes
- TBD: Support for Receiving facilities not using OpenLMIS
Need to discuss with Mary Jo or others to help interpret Copenhagen and Senegal outcomes.
- Add support for multiple requisition templates within one Program (MVP - Priority 4)
- Current state: Each program has exactly one Regular and one Emergency requisition template. Each program has one set of "Program Settings" which apply to all Requisitions.
Proposal: Add support for any number of Requisition Templates within a Program. Templates would each have a different name so it's easy to distinguish them. Templates would be associated with one or more Facility Types, and that would determine which template will be used when any requisition is initiated.
Notification/indication of low stock (Not needed as part of MVP)Current state: There is not any "low stock" notification (on hold–see note below). There is a stockout notification that generates an email alert. Neither shows any visual indication inside the OpenLMIS web app.TBD Proposal: Add a visual indication inside OpenLMIS where there is low stock. This will prompt the user to begin their re-supply process.
Prompt to initiate requisition after Physical Inventory (Not needed to support MVP)Current state: Users must intentionally initiate a requisition. There is no prompt.TBD Proposal: Upon completing a Physical Inventory, prompt the user to begin a requisition.
Configuration option for Rejected Requisitions to be a 'final status' (Not part of MVP and not needed)Current state: Rejected status works like Initiated status, and such a Requisition can still be edited, submitted/authorized, etc. When a Rejected regular requisition is present, users cannot initiate the Regular Requisition for the following period.Proposal: Add a configuration option in the Program settings (soon to be the Requisition Template settings) that allows administrators to configure whether Rejected status is a 'final status' or not. When true, once a Requisition is Rejected, users cannot edit and submit it, and it does not block the ability to initiate requisitions for the following period.
- Proof of Delivery updates receiving facility stock cards (MVP)
- TBD: Not sure if this is already captured anywhere. Current POD work is spread across many of the different epics, especially Local Fulfillment. I suggest we spend more time ASAP mapping out Proof of Delivery.
- TBD: Not sure if this is already captured anywhere. Current POD work is spread across many of the different epics, especially Local Fulfillment. I suggest we spend more time ASAP mapping out Proof of Delivery.
- Pick-up versus Delivery (MVP)
- TBD: Very little of our documentation describes supply for pick-up, even though it is 2 of the 4 types of Re-supply. Are there any features needed to support pick-up? Does it still use a "Proof of Delivery" even for pick-up? Or is there a different mechanism that the receiver uses to add the pick-up quantities into their own facility stock cards?
Support re-supply for receiving facilities with "no stocking data in OpenLMIS" (Duplicate of 10)TBD: The wiki pages mention this, but how do we support this? Are we still capturing a current SOH and using an ISA to set a default re-supply amount?
Note: Some of the other epics in Re-supply also contain stories and tickets where work is underway: /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/88670474 and /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/135823499. Some of the ideas above have tickets in Vaccine Stock Based Requisitions, however this page presents the features in a more granular way and does not use the "stock-based requisition" terminology. Proposals on this page may replace what is on the Vaccine Stock Based Requisitions page.
User Stories
# | Title | User Story | Label | Importance | Notes |
1 | |||||
2 |
Description | Link |
Open Questions
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
# | Question | Outcome | Status |
1 |
Out of Scope
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