July 20th 2021

July 20th 2021

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 13:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesJune 15th 2021



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Version 3.12: 

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504


Development Update:

Two workstreams:

  1. Mobile App MVP
  2. One Network Integration
    1. Worked through the mapping document
    2. Working on generating initial csv files

Request from SELV ProjectWesley Brown

Forum Post: https://forum.openlmis.org/t/add-possibility-to-hide-lots-with-0-quantity/6015

Sebastian: Can this be automated in some way? For example, if multiple periods go by without any qty then it is automatically be hidden

Krzysztof: Maybe we could have multiple tables, one with qty and another with no qty


Wes: What if we just auto hide Expiration Past and Zero Qty

Josh: This is a difference between automatic system behavior and manual user actions

K: Could users specify a filter to do things like: hide expired, hide zero qty, etc

J: Start with the direct user action first, then add additional features (auto hide, etc) later

W: Offline functionality needs to be considered

J: Does this hiding impact any other places?

Dominica: Yes, it also affects the stock card. Will summarize our conversation in the forum post

Change to Lot SelectionWesley Brown

Forum Post: https://forum.openlmis.org/t/help-choosing-which-lot-to-issue/6046

Request: to be able to see the expiration date together with the lot code, while doing product addition (issue, receive, PI)

Josh: The only concern is the screen width

Wes: should it be done in core? should we be able to switch on/off?
 - Josh: core is fine, could be just default option

Josh: How about different date formats, or just MM/YY
 - it's not free text, the system format will be used

Wes: Does the lot selection on issue hides lots without stock?
 - it should, but we don't know what's in the code
 - important to be able to use them for adjustments

Notification Changes for eSwatini ImplementationAnkita

Adding additional email notifications. Doing this within their branch. Interested in adding an admin UI to manage their notifications (all notifications?), but have not got to that yet. Would also be interested in adding additional notification functionality for users.


  • When you say "branch" what do you mean? Forked the core services (as far as Ankita knows)
  • Sebastian: Should all of the new notifications be enabled by default? Some can be very noisy.
  • S: User notification preferences should also be taken into account.
    • A: This is currently being implemented as a system-level setting, users cannot opt-in/out themselves. However, this is being implemented using the notification service

Next Steps:

  • Start a forum post to discuss the technical aspects of this feature
  • Send the new notifications to Wes (will share with the PC)
Review Active OpenLMIS BugsSebastian Brudziński / Krzysztof Łazarski (Deactivated)

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

Additional Requests and Information:


Wesley Brown Josh Zamor Christine Lenihan Ben Leibert Dércio Duvane



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