March 16th 2021
Last Meeting Notes: February 16th 2021
Item | Lead (Time) | Notes and Updates |
Software Development Update Roadmap: Living Product Roadmap Current sprint: Upcoming sprint: Version 3.11:
Team stats: Velocity: | Wesley Brown, Sebastian Brudziński (5 min) | Development Update: Stock Mgmt Offline
Country COVID Support | Wesley Brown | What support can OpenLMIS provide for COVID or COVAX?
Next Version (3.12) Features | Potential Focus Areas:
What priorities would this committee give for this areas? Moses: Mobile app would be the ice-breaker, hears about this request often and would help us to be competitive. 1) OpenLMIS Mobile App Langa: 1) OpenLMIS Mobile App Dianna: Would like to have a separate discussion for the mobile app and the offline functionality. Improved guidance on extending OpenLMIS | |
Next PC meeting: Topic ideas?? |
| |
Additional Requests and Information: |
- Wesley Brown to paste meeting link once read
- Wesley Brown set up meeting to discuss OpenLMIS Mobile App mvp
- Wesley Brown set up a meeting with Dianna and others from the Moz PSM team regarding SIGLUS features
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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software