March 16th 2021

March 16th 2021

Call Information

  • 08:00 PDT - Seattle
  • 13:00 EDT - New York, DC
  • 17:00 CAT - Zambia/Malawi (UTC+2)
  • 18:00 EAT - Tanzania/Kenya (UTC+3)

Last Meeting NotesFebruary 16th 2021



Lead (Time)

Notes and Updates

Software Development Update

RoadmapLiving Product Roadmap 

Current sprint

Upcoming sprint

Version 3.11: 

Team statshttps://openlmis.atlassian.net/secure/Dashboard.jspa?selectPageId=12504


Development Update:

Stock Mgmt Offline

  • Last piece - Syncing offline events to the server once online
  • Offline functionality will be for everything in primary the Stock Management functionality (receipts, issuing, adjustments)
  • New screen to view pending offline events and any errors that occur


  • Physical inventory is saved locally as a draft and must be submitted. Other events are queued and then synced automatically once online.
  • Does that imply that users must keep track of stock levels while offline?
    • We don't block the user from performing any normally valid operations while offline
    • We don't update the local physical inventory because this could still not be valid as other users could be making changes
    • This means that there could be issues during synchronization. These errors are displayed during that process and can then be resolved by the user

Country COVID SupportWesley Brown

What support can OpenLMIS provide for COVID or COVAX?

  • Dianna would like to get any documentation related to this
Next Version (3.12) Features

Potential Focus Areas:

  • OpenLMIS Mobile App (MVP)
  • Equipment Transfer
  • Requisition Performance Regressions
  • Notification Center Enhancements (from SIGLUS and from the discussions in December)

What priorities would this committee give for this areas?

Moses: Mobile app would be the ice-breaker, hears about this request often and would help us to be competitive. 1) OpenLMIS Mobile App

Langa: 1) OpenLMIS Mobile App

Dianna: Would like to have a separate discussion for the mobile app and the offline functionality. Improved guidance on extending OpenLMIS

Next PC meeting: Topic ideas??

  1. Revisit integrating SIGLUS features
  2. Share the current status of the SIGLUS app

Additional Requests and Information:



  • Wesley Brown to paste meeting link once read
  • Wesley Brown set up meeting to discuss OpenLMIS Mobile App mvp
  • Wesley Brown set up a meeting with Dianna and others from the Moz PSM team regarding SIGLUS features


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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software