Project: Informed Push Usability Release

Project: Informed Push Usability Release

Project Info

This project in a collection of various enhancements to support the Mozambique and Benin informed push vaccine implementations. There are three seperate projects that are wrapped into this item:

  • NexLeaf RTM - OpenLMIS Integration
  • SELV Feature Release to support new vaccine introductions and additional small enhancements
  • SIIL Usability Release to support new vaccine introductions and various changes to make the default deployment (same as Mozambique) more in alignment with Benin forms and business processes

This release is intended to provide short-term fixes. It does not add configurability to OpenLMIS to support the Benin vs. Mozambique requirements - instead the project will address the short-term specific needs of each country.

Point of Contact

Christine Lenihan - VillageReach


Globally Applicability

NexLeaf RTM Integration (community support module)


Country Applicability

Mozambique Child Coverage Form Modifications to support new vaccine introduction (custom Mozambique module)

Benin Child Coverage Form Modifications (custom Benin module)

Code BaseThis release will be developed off the OpenLMIS v1.0 master branch currently deployed in Mozambique and Benin.
DependenciesBecause no other deployments are using the OpenLMIS v1.0 master branch, or active development projects on this code base, there are no dependencies on this project
Code Merge Plan

At release, the code will be in the OpenLMIS v1.0 master branch only. After the plug-in architecture is implemented, this code will need to be merged into the OpenLMIS (possibly as an informed push module? or part of

core) and Mozambique and Benin upgraded to OpenLMIS v2.0 in order to get all deployments on the same code base.

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