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UI refactors

OLMIS-3017 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by removing status messages from requisition object, but real cause why this was not working is Requisition Watcher which was setting $modified flag after requisition was submitted/authorized. This flag is a indicator if we have some changes in requisition object stored offline, if not application is getting new changes from server. Getting fresh changes after status change is crucial to have current comments on the screen.


OLMIS-2837 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by refactor of facility/program select refactor. State param 'requestingFacilty' has been changed to 'facility' in order to be compatible with this new component. Unfortunately this parameter was used for search endpoint and this change caused lack of this parameter in request. 

OLMIS-2522 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by messages split refactor on the UI.

OLMIS-2439 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by OLMIS-2050 - Getting issue details... STATUS . There are conflicting opinions on how this functionality should work, which makes it easy to overlook. It would be easy to assume that this is correct behavior after refactoring the pagination.

OLMIS-2488 - Getting issue details... STATUS

While working on OLMIS-2050 - Getting issue details... STATUS the message keys were changed but usage of that keys was not changed.

OLMIS-2356 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The whole list of columns was being passed to the validator instead of a list of the non full supply ones.

OLMIS-2489 - Getting issue details... STATUS

During message refactor message keys have changed but one of the if statement left unchanged, which caused to invalid values being returned.

OLMIS-2352 - Getting issue details... STATUS

During refactor of the template validator one of the validation wasn't implemented.

OLMIS-7217 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Permissions were removed from local storage and retrieved from the backend again every time when the page was refreshed or logged user changed. It to was changed to not remove permissions when the page is refreshed.

OLMIS-7220 - Getting issue details... STATUS

In offline mode, facilities were not retrieved from the cache. As a solution, it was updated cachedAllMinimal to get facilities from PouchDb when offline. Additionally added refactor to getAll method in local database to reject when it is not available.

OLMIS-7246 - Getting issue details... STATUS   OLMIS-7259 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This page is using cache and the "openlmis-cached-resource" was removing the pagination information from the response when fetching stock data (in the "query" function).

OLMIS-7271 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Pagination fix done in OLMIS-7246 - Getting issue details... STATUS caused the the issue with displaying the Products.

OLMIS-5491 - Getting issue details... STATUS

One time binding used for iterating over collection for column generation

OLMIS-7520 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UI was assuming that processing period is required field, despite processing period is nullable on the backend

OLMIS-7546 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Plugin pouchdb-find was not in the project

OLMIS-7550 - Getting issue details... STATUS

New order was created with null facility

OLMIS-7464 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There was no condition to check if the line item with 0 SoH is newly added.

Other bug fixes

OLMIS-2329 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by lack of check if new value is different than the previous one while running calculations in product-grid directive for each digest cycle.

It was changed while repairing lack of calculation calls for dependent columns commit


OLMIS-2484 - Getting issue details... STATUS

During work on OLMIS-1409 - Getting issue details... STATUS , demo-data was added to Reference-Data but FTP settings in Fulfillment were not adjusted.

OLMIS-2466 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Validator was using calculatedOrderQuantity instead of the requestedQuantity.

OLMIS-7168 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by gliderlabs/alpine image which is no longer maintained.

OLMIS-7179 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by renaming apache/incubator-superset to apache/superset

OLMIS-7203 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by external Google Analytics dependency.

OLMIS-6856 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Demo-v3 has a local database on the instance. It was needed to create pgdata volume for deploy properly demo-v3 with KEEP option.

OLMIS-6813 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There was a method that filtered out the products in which the stock on hand was zero. For the Adjustments screen, a new method has been created that retrieves all available products in the facility - also those whose SoH is 0.

OLMIS-7248 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Validation was added for programs in the orderable, but when creating new product program list is null and the validation threw NullPointerException, because null check was missing.

OLMIS-7253 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Facilities data source is no longer used since we started using Kafka. A new materialized view has been created - facilities that have all the necessary fields.

OLMIS-7254 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The data in the Stock Filter and District Stockout Rates over Time weren't visible. The time range setting for these charts has been changed to 'No filter'.

OLMIS-7291 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The current added products were not passed as a parameter to state params

OLMIS-7398 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Expired nifi-registry certificate. Periodic ticket for certificate renewal was not created/finished on time. Certificate renewal automation should be considered.

OLMIS-7422 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Resolving supervisory nodes dataset required itself in injection

OLMIS-7420 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Child state was not overwriting resolved children property from parent treating it as available via dedicated provider. Another form of issue from OLMIS-7422 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-7437 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Invalid docutils packge version was in use.

OLMIS-7429 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There was no 'Label' specified for program_name column.

OLMIS-7442 - Getting issue details... STATUS

For every dto transformation, request to referencedata was made. Timeout was caused by too many requests between stockmanagement abd referebcedata mikroservices

OLMIS-6646 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Invalid search criteria specified in supserset

OLMIS-6546 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Validation for unique product code was not implemented

OLMIS-6600 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Class for representing certain status had invalid styling

OLMIS-7479 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Feature to remember selection from other pages was not clearing selection after first convert

OLMIS-7496 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Missing entries for proper roles in referencedata.role_rights table. Entries were missing also for demo data

OLMIS-7530 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Endpoint /api/validSources and /api/validDestinations are not returning all resources by default and list to search on when confirming shipment was to small

OLMIS-7499 - Getting issue details... STATUS

When 'Remarks' is disabled in the requisition template, there is a null pointer exception when approving requisition.

OLMIS-7534 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Validation on product code duplicate was not checking existing orderable properly

OLMIS-7527 - Getting issue details... STATUS

active property was missing after creating difference between draft line items and display line items group

Design error

OLMIS-6008 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There was neither unique constraint nor unique index on name in facility_types table


OLMIS-3146 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There was no PROGRAM_MANAGE right at all, so it had to be added.

OLMIS-3066 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by assumption that all modules that are using facility/program select component are using Requisition rights which is not true.

OLMIS-3019 - Getting issue details... STATUS

After authorize skipped line items are cleared and lack of price per pack field was causing the problem

OLMIS-2714 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Loading modal was closed too soon just after user update request finished, not after user list page was loaded.

OLMIS-2548 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Loading spinner close method was always called before login modal appeared. Now there is a check if loading spinner was opened before opening loading modal, if so it will be reopened after successful login.

OLMIS-2514 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Check for approving requisition was including only program, supervisory node was missing. Fixed for approve and reject endpoint.

OLMIS-2530 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Requisition repository was returning page of filtered requisition, then right were checked and paginated once again, where total elements was number of requisitions on the page.....

OLMIS-2428 - Getting issue details... STATUS

We were using statusText property from server response, but it turned out that it was not always available. Lack of default message caused this issue.

OLMIS-2224 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Offline flag at the start was always set as false at the start of offline service, so checking if user is offline just after reloading page/application always returned false. Resolved by storing offline flag in local storage.

OLMIS-2481 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Loading modal was closing after syncing was completed and then reopened when state changed(which happens after every requisition-related action).

OLMIS-2483 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Handling situation when there are no more products to add was never designed nor included in the acceptance criteria.

OLMIS-2525 - Getting issue details... STATUS

CalculationFactory was trying to calculate order quantity(rather than just taking the requestedQuantity) when requested quantity was empty.

OLMIS-2491 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Subject and Content for notifications were part of demo-data. The system that didn't used demo-data was not able to go through Requisition statuses hierarchy because of absence settings in database. Settings were moved to Transifex messages and environment variables.

OLMIS-2551 - Getting issue details... STATUS

No thought was given to the transactional implications when the code was written.

OLMIS-2509 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Incorrect calculation not taking borders into consideration which led to ever increasing table width.

OLMIS-2532 - Getting issue details... STATUS

During adding pagination to Manage POD view, clearing the requesting facility was not added when it was part of state params.

OLMIS-2637 - Getting issue details... STATUS

The password field was being cleared when we successfully logged in.

Questionable if this a bug

OLMIS-2407 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This is more a requirements change than a bug.


OLMIS-2453 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This is more a requirements change than a bug.

OLMIS-2480 - Getting issue details... STATUS

This wasn't really a bug, more like an unrepresentative demo data.

OLMIS-2492 - Getting issue details... STATUS

There was no way to retrieve warehouses from server before.

Not following style guide

OLMIS-2445 - Getting issue details... STATUS

UI style guide - programmers were not following styleguide sections: Titles and Buttons which say that first letter of each word should be capitalized.


OLMIS-2471 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Inline elements should have the same height.

OLMIS-2436 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Inline elements should be aligned to center.

Invalid demo data

OLMIS-2531 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Some of the requisitions that were in pre-release state had supplyingFacilityId set to a value that was not an UUID of one of the available supplying depot for that requisition.


OLMIS-7525 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Some values of orderable identifiers were uppercase but expected to be lowercase

Backend refactors

OLMIS-3119 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by refactoring done to the Auth context setup in MW-390 - Getting issue details... STATUS .


OLMIS-3461 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by refactor to do db filtering in OLMIS-3187 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-7169 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by upgrading to Spring Boot 2.x  OLMIS-6782 - Getting issue details... STATUS . Since the upgrade, the Hikari connection wasn't closed and after it reached its limit (10 connections), the Jasper Reports were not generated.

OLMIS-7219 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Poor performance has been fixed by clearing Hibernate session after order and shipment created and setting Hibernate batch insert properties

OLMIS-7251 - Getting issue details... STATUS

When entity graph is used to fetch orderables with programs in one database query and the orderables are filtered by program code the list of related programs will also be filtered (not all programs will be returned for orderable).

OLMIS-7376 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Caused by refactoring done to the Requisition Service in  OLMIS-5226 - Getting issue details... STATUS .

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