[VIMS] Routine Immunization : monitoring and supervision REPORTS

[VIMS] Routine Immunization : monitoring and supervision REPORTS

Target release
EpicRoutine Immunization
Document status
Document owner
Technical LeadAshraf Islam


 Produce regular reports on operations  for different levels of management to best assist with key decisions



  • All users are expected to know how to use basic Internet tools.

  • Appropriate permission and roles are configured and assigned to users

User Stories

TitleUser StoryLabelImportanceNotes
1Dropout report

As a DIVO or RIVO, I would like to see the performance by dropout rate of the facilities I supervise... so that I can assist with key decisions.

VIMSMust Have

2coverage report

As a DIVO or RIVO, I would like to see the performance coverage of the facilities I supervise... so that I can best assist with key decisions.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. I can select facility level and year

  2. All antigens are displayed in columnar layout

  3. Data is cumulative

VIMSMust Have

3Timeliness and completeness report

As a DIVO / RIVO/ National User,  I would like to see the reporting performance of facilities I I supervise... so that I can best assist with key decisions.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. I get two views: Summary and Detail view
VIMSMust Have

4classification report

As a DIVO or RIVO, I would like to see the classification of my facilities based on their access and utilization to the services, so that I can prioritize supportive supervision to improve coverage and reduce dropouts.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. I get two views: Summary and Detail view
  2. calculates based on the following criteria

class_A wastage <=expected and coverage >= target

class_B wastage > expected and coverage >= target
class_C wastage <= expected and coverage < target
class_D wastage> expected and coverage < target

VIMSMust Have

5categorization report

As a DIVO or RIVO, I would like to see the categorization of my facilities based on their classification of access and utilization to the services, so that I can prioritize supportive supervision to improve coverage and reduce dropouts.

No. of Health facilities, Districts and regions with

Cat_1 Penta 1>=90% Good Access Drop-Out rate <10% Good Utilization

Cat_2 Penta 1>=90% Good Access Drop-Out rate =>10% Poor Utilization

Cat_3 Penta 1<90% Poor Access Drop-Out rate <10% Good Utilization

Cat_4 Penta 1<90% Poor Access Drop-Out rate =>10% Poor Utilization

VIMSMust Have


As DIVO/RIVO/National user, I should be able to run vaccinated vs unvaccinated population report

The report show the following information

A Region
B District
C Target population
D Vaccinated DTP-Hep-Hib 1
E Vaccinated DTP-Hep-Hib 3
F Un-Vaccinated
G Under Vaccinated
H Un/Under Vaccinated


VIMSMust Have



Availability of internet, well maintained warehouse / stores


Open Questions

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:


Out of Scope

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