[DISC] Reporting Domain: Stock Mangement KPIs

[DISC] Reporting Domain: Stock Mangement KPIs

Target release

Vaccine Module

EpicReporting Domain
Document status
Document owner
Technical LeadTechnical Lead who reviews or supports document


  • This page captures the KPIs needed for the Reporting Domain, pertaining to SM.
  • This only captures KPIs as per global standards (DISC Guidance) and not the KPIs that might be used at country level or the custom reports required by specific users to support their workflow (Captured elsewhere).


Are there any country specific features that should be noted? Who are the personas? Who are the users that will be interacting with this functionality? What are their challenges, responsibilities, and level of connectivity? These personas are intended to be representative archetypes of the key stakeholders who will participate in theses workflows/scenarios. 


  • What are technical or business specific details and characteristics that should be known to explain the environment? List the assumptions you have such as user, technical or other business assumptions. (e.g. users will primarily access this features from a tablet).

User Stories

Short, simple description of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new capability, usually a user or customer of the system.

#TitleUser StoryDefinitionLabelImportanceNotes
1Closed Vial Wastage KPI

As (multiple users), I want to see the closed vial wastage in my facility/district/province/country so that I can better understand:

  • amount wasted to inform future needs estimates
  • current inventory
  • CCE performance in case wastage was due to CCE malfunction
  • HW personnel training needs in case more training in vaccine handling is needed
Percentage of spoiled closed vial vaccine doses in a store or health facility in a particular period of the total doses managed in the same period. Reasons for closed vial wastage include expiry, heat exposure, freezing, breakage, loss of the accompanying diluent, or because unopened vials are discarded at the end of an outreach session.DISCMust Have
  • Measures avoidable wastage during storage. Closed vial wastage can be related to the storage practices which need to be addressed.

Note – understanding cause for wastage requires collection of reasons for it as well as some root cause analytics that need to be done via dashboard and a people-process in place to ask relevant questions (think VAN concept). How much does OpenLMIS support this?

2Full Stock Availability KPIAs (multiple users), I want to see the full stock availability in my facility/district/province/country so that I can better understand the stock performance at that storage point.

Percentage of re-supply periods with full availability of all or a selected set of tracer vaccines and immunization supplies. Full availability is defined as no stock out (stock=0) in the store or health facility at any point in the resupply period.

DISCMust HaveMeasures the availability of immunization products. Low stock availability can indicate system problems that needs to be addressed.
3Stocked According To Plan KPIAs (multiple users), I want to see the full stock availability in my district/province/country so that I can better understand the stock performance at that storage point.

Percentage of health facilities or stores stocked according to plan of the total number of health facilities. Stocked according to plan is defined as stock levels between set minimum and maximum stock levels.  Or country policy

May also trigger a re-order/notification/workflow.

DISCMust Have

Used to monitor and manage immunization products and as a pre-warning to avoid stock outs or wastage. Diversions from the planned stock levels can signal risk of stock-outs (if significantly below the minimum level) or closed vial wastage (if significantly above the maximum level).

Calculations, Data Sources, Data Needed

KPICalculationData NeededData Sources
Closed Vial Wastage

Proportional vaccine wastage in unopened vials = (number of doses discarded during reporting period) / (doses under management during the same period) x 100%                                      

Doses under management is defined as the opening balance plus all doses that were received during the period. Issued doses should not be subtracted.

# of discarded doses, reported by vaccine and preferably by reason code.

List of reason codes agreed upon.

# of doses under the facility's management during a certain period, defined as the starting balance plus all of the received doses during that period.

Vaccine stock ledgers/stock cards

Vaccine orders

Batch management to track VVM status and expiry dates (may be automated, for example through using GS1 barcoding systems).

Wastage reporting tools

Full Stock Availability

Forecasted demand ratio = (doses consumed and wasted per product) / (doses forecasted per product)

Need to update (absence of a stock out in a reporting period)

Forecasted demand/usage or vaccination targets by product.

Actual consumption or administration by product.

Actual wastage (vials opened and closed vials discarded)  by product.

Monthly immunization reports.

Micro plans and/or MOH policies for targets.

Stock ledgers/stock cards.

Stocked According To Plan

% products stocked according to plan (in health facility or store) = (# vaccines stocked according to plan for all or a set of tracer products) / (total # health facilities) x 100


% of health facilities stocked according to plan = (# health facilities stocked according to plan for all or a set of tracer products) / (total # health facilities) x 100

Stock balance

Minimum and maximum levels as determined by country policy

Stock cards or ledgers

Physical inventory count

policy which outlines the min (how is the low stock defined?) and max (ISA). min and max are defined per facility for each product.


Include any business process mapping, mockups, diagrams or visual designs relating to these requirements. Describes the tasks and the personas who perform those activities. The diagram provides the context for the user stories and serves as a focal point for achieving clarity and agreement among stakeholders. Looks like a standard flow chart.


Identify initial dependencies that are on the critical path for this functionality and may affect the delivery time and serving of business goals. Include links to stories.

Name of story or release Link to JIRA

Open Questions

Initial communication between stakeholders and the development team to help understand scope and estimates.

Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:

1(e.g. How we make users more aware of this feature?)Communicate the decision reached Open, In Progress, Closed, and date of closure
2Which of these data sets of the notifications for the user? Could be overwhelming otherwise

3Lead time (time measure) vs. ideal quantity (number) ? Need to look at VIMS documentation and talk to Josh Zamor

Out of Scope

    • List the features discussed which are out of scope or might be revisited in a later release. 

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