Product Committee Acceptance Testing 3.1

Product Committee Acceptance Testing 3.1

Table of Contents

Please log all bugs PRIOR to Tuesday May 23rd at 11:00am Pacific


  1. Install JIRA Capture (see instructions below)
  2. Review the current state of the software test scope, and test roles for context
  3. Sign up for the test scrips you plan to do, by linking your name (typing '@' and your name) in the "Tester" column
  4. Login and start testing the system
  5. When a test fails, please log bugs using JIRA Capture and the OpenLMIS pre-3.0 UAT template 
    1. Example bug logged, here.
  6. Update the table below with your results (pass/fail) and associated bugs logged

JIRA Capture is a way to screenshot the page you are viewing in your browser where you can comment directly and log 'bugs' within JIRA easily. 

Install JIRA Capture

  • Install the JIRA Capture chrome plug-in : LINK and a great instructional video of how to install it here.
  • Enter in the JIRA URL as https://openlmis.atlassian.net 
  • Enter your JIRA/Atlassian username without the email part, for example my username is maryjo.kochendorfer
  • Enter your JIRA/Atlassian password
  • Look at the template tab (see screen shot) and expand the "SHARED" section
  • We are reusing the previous template, please select the template called "OpenLMIS pre-3.0 UAT" under shared and 'favorite' it. This template already has the appropriate label, epic and other parameters selected for us to track the bugs against this exercise.
  • Go to "issues" and create a new one, then select the template
  • Select "bug" as the issue type. Input the "Summary" Field and the "Description" field. The rest should be populated by the template. Example here.

Current state of software

Please review the following so you have an understand what work is currently underway or scheduled for the last sprint. There is quite a bit of information so we anticipate folks will log duplicate bugs but ideally we hope to minimize how many by providing you with the scope and current list of bugs.

Out of scope

Test Scope

The scope of this preliminary acceptance testing is to test the current state of functionalities of OpenLMIS version 3 and identify issues/bugs. There are a list of known bugs and outstanding functionalities. Please keep this in mind when capturing bugs so that we don't create too many duplicate issues. 

The testing scenarios cover the following functionalities:

  1. View Stock on Hand
  2. Manage Physical Inventory
    1. Create a new physical inventory
    2. Add new products during physical inventory
    3. Save physical inventory draft
    4. Submit a new physical inventory
    5. Remove a physical inventory draft
  3. Create an Adjustment
    1. Create new adjustment
    2. Choose products for adjustment
    3. Submit adjustment
  4. Make an Issue/Receive
    1. Perform ad hoc receipt
    2. Perform ad hoc issue

Test Roles

A complete list of users can be found in the README file on github.

Role NameLogin InformationRightsHome Facility
Storeroom Manager

user name: srmanager2

password: password

  • Adjust stock
  • Edit stock inventories
  • View stock cards
HC01- Comfort Health Clinic

user name: administrator

password: password

  • Adjust stock
  • Edit stock inventories
  • View stock cards
  • Manage stock sources
  • Manage stock organizations
  • Manage stock card templates
  • Manage stock destinations
  • Manage stock adjustment reasons
  • Manage stock card line item reasons
HC01- Comfort Health Clinic

Below is a diagram describing the Stock Management process:

Test Scripts

Please enter your name in the Tester column. Then indicate if the steps passed/failed in the Pass/Fail column. Lastly, enter the number (example OLMIS-1725) of the bug you logged relating to the step.

Scenario 1: View SOH, summary, and search

1.TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
1Enter https://test.openlmis.org/ into a chrome or firefox browser
  • Starting OpenLMIS loading modal appears then login modal appears (should not take longer than 30 seconds?)






User logs in to view SOH summary:

  1. Log in as srmanager2
  2. Select Stock Management tab > Stock On Hand from the navigation bar
  3. Log in as administrator and complete the same process
  • User can see Stock Management tab
  • User selects Stock on Hand and is directed to the Stock on Hand search screen
  • Breadcrumbs at the top of the screen show Stock Management / Stock on Hand






User completes search:

  1. Facility Type is defaulted to My Facility and Facility Name is your Home Facility: Comfort Health Clinic
  2. Select Program Name: Family Planning. Click Search.
  3. Clear search to complete a free text search.
  4. Enter free text into the Keywords field and click Search.
  5. Complete same search for Program Name: Essential Meds

  • My Facility should show as the default. Facility name is defaulted to Comfort Health Center
  • The results grid should default to "No products found" showing no items
  • For Program Name, user can see Family Planning and Essential Meds to select
  • When user completes search, the results grid shows all products
  • Results list 20 products on each page with the following columns: Product Code, Product, Lot Number, Expiry Date, Last update, SOH, Actions
  • Results display Action button to View
  • When user completes free text search in the Keywords field, results display if there is a match, or the results grid shows "No products found" if there is no match.


Fail-JZ-Free text search

Fail-NR- Free text search

OLMIS-2556 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Scenario 2: Create a new Physical Inventory

2.TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
1Enter https://test.openlmis.org/ into a chrome or firefox browser
  • Starting OpenLMIS loading modal appears then login modal appears






User logs in to create new physical inventory:

  1. Log in as srmanager2
  2. Select Stock Management tab > Physical Inventory from the navigation bar
  3. Click Start next to the Family Planning Program

  • User can see Stock Management > Physical Inventory and can select
  • Family Planning and Essential Meds are available programs for the user to click Actions
  • If Status is Not started yet, Action shows Start, if Status is in Draft, Action shows Continue
  • Once Start is selected, user is brought to Physical Inventory page
  • List is populated with all products, only 20 per page. If Status shows Start, then no products should display.
  • The processing bar above the results grid shows % complete: should be zero if the Status was Start, should show a percentage complete if the Action was Continue
  • User can search for products by entering free form text into the Keyword search field
  • User can leave the Keyword search blank, and all products should appears
  • Results grid shows the following columns: Product Code, Product, Stock on Hand, Current Stock, Lot Code, and Expiry Date





OLMIS-2557 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Scenario 3: Add new Products during Physical Inventory

3.TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged

Log in as administrator and complete Steps 1-3 from Scenario 2

  • Administrator User is viewing Stock Management > Physical Inventory > HC01 - Comfort Health Clinic - Family Planning






User creates a new physical inventory:

  1. Click Add Product at the top of the results grid
  2. Select Product and click Add
  3. Or search for product using free form text
  4. Enter Current Stock Amount
  5. Select another product to add and enter current stock amount
  6. Click Add x items to Physical Inventory
  • User selects Add Product and is brought to a modal "Add Products to Physical Inventory"
  • Product selection is highlighted and a required field
  • User can search for product using free form text, or scroll up and down in product list to select one product
  • After clicking Add the selected product appears in the table
  • Table shows Product Code, Product, Current Stock, Actions
  • Product Code and Name are displayed, user must enter Current Stock Amount and it must be a positive numeric. If nothing is entered an error shows that the field requires data
  • Enter current stock amount for product
  • Once user clicks "Add x items to Physical Inventory" they are brought back to the Physical Inventory page that now shows the products updated with their current stock. The processing bar should show an updated percentage complete.
  • If user selects Cancel in the "Add Products to Physical Inventory" modal they are brought back to the Product search screen and no changes are saved





Scenario 4: Save Physical Inventory draft

4.TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
1Start at the end of Scenario 3 from above
  • Administrator User is viewing Stock Management > Physical Inventory > HC01 - Comfort Health Clinic - Family Planning
  • Products are listed in the results table
  • At the right hand bottom of the page there are two buttons to Save or Submit






Save Physical Inventory Draft while online

  1. Refresh browser or click the back button on your browser. Select Cancel to continue working on your draft
  2. Click Save to save your draft
  • Current stock amount is editable
  • When browser is refreshed or back button is clicked a prompt should appear that says "Do you want to quit without saving your draft?" If user clicks "Yes" then no changes are saved and the screen is refreshed to show the same Physical Inventory page. If user clicks "No" then they stay on the Physical Inventory page with their changes still on the page.
  • Click Save button and a pop up shows "Save is successful"
  • Once saved, you are still viewing the Physical Inventory page that shows your edits. Current stock amount is still editable.





Fail Sam Im (Deactivated) trying to reproduce: When user clicks back button, the draft does not save, and user is not prompted to save.

Fail: OLMIS-2633 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Save Physical Inventory Draft while offline

  1. Change network status to Offline
  2. Click Save
  3. Change network status back to Online
  4. Click Save
  • Change network status to Offline
  • Click Save button and a pop up shows "Save has failed"
  • Change network status back to Online and click Save. Then a pop up should show "Save is successful".





Scenario 5: Submit a new Physical Inventory

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
1Start at the end of Scenario 4 from above
  • Administrator User is viewing Stock Management > Physical Inventory > HC01 - Comfort Health Clinic - Family Planning
  • Products are listed in the results table
  • At the right hand bottom of the page there are two buttons to Save or Submit





Submit Physical Inventory

  1. Save all changes to the Physical Inventory (any products added, or Current Stock amounts edited)
  2. Click Submit
  3. Select date future date
  4. Click Confirm (this should be unsuccessful)
  5. Select date in the past or current date
  6. Click Confirm

  • If there are errors in the Physical inventory such as blank Current Stock amounts, the blank fields are highlighted
  • When Submit is clicked, a modal pops up to select a date. Selecting a date is a required field.
  • User is unable to select a future date and click confirm
  • User selects date in the past or the current date and clicks Confirm. Message appears that says "Physical Inventory has successfully submitted".



Pass - minor bug logged


OLMIS-2559 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2561 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2564 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Submit performance

  1. Add more than 30(?) products and submit



Scenario 6: Remove a Physical Inventory draft

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged
1Start at the end of Scenario 3 from above
  • Administrator User is viewing Stock Management > Physical Inventory > HC01 - Comfort Health Clinic - Family Planning
  • Products are listed in the results table
  • At the right hand bottom of the page there are two buttons to Save, Submit
  • At the left hand bottom of the page there is a Delete button





Delete Physical Inventory draft

  1. On Physical Inventory screen click Delete
  2. Message pops up click Cancel and it brings you back to the same screen
  3. Click Delete
  4. Message pops up and click Delete
  • When user clicks Delete a message pops up asking "Do you want to delete this draft?" User can click Cancel or Delete
  • If user clicks Cancel, they are directed back to the Physical Inventory screen and their Physical Inventory draft is still on the page
  • If user clicks Delete, they are directed back to the Physical Inventory screen but the table is empty. directed back to the physical inventory index page




Scenario 7: Create new Adjustment

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged

Enter https://test.openlmis.org/ into a chrome or firefox browser.

  1. Login as srmanager2.
  2. From the navigation bar select Stock Management > Adjustments

  • Loading modal appears and directs you to OpenLMIS login screen
  • As srmanager2 User can select Stock Management > Adjustment and it directs them to the Adjustments for Comfort Health Clinic page
  • The page displays a table that lists the Programs and Action
  • The programs available for the user to make adjustments: Family Planning and Essential Meds






Search or select Product for new Adjustment

  1. Select the Action "Make Adjustments" for the Family Planning program
  2. Select Product either by searching free form text or selecting from the dropdown list
  • User is directed to the Adjustments page for the program selected
  • User can search for products by a free form text search in the Keywords field
  • Table displays the following columns: Product Code, Product, Stock on Hand, Reason, Reason Comments, Quantity, Date, Actions
  • If table is blank there is a comment "Add a product to make an adjustment. You have not added any products yet."
  • Selecting a product is required
  • User can select a product either by search or selecting from the Product dropdown list



Pass - ignoring keyword search



Create new adjustment

  1. Select Product either by searching free form text or selecting a Product from the dropdown list and then click Add
  2. Select a Reason for the adjustment, enter Reason Comments if required
  3. Enter Quantity greater than zero
  4. Select Adjustment date from dropdown
  • When product is selected, the table is populated: Product Code and Product are auto-filled
  • User must select Reason. If Reason of "Lost" is selected, then user must enter in Reason Comments
  • User must enter Quantity, and select Date
  • Quantity must be greater than zero, no negatives are allowed to enter
  • Date is defaulted to today. User cannot select a future date.


Fail - Received an error for this adjustment. I'm able to submit other adjustments.

Pass - minor bug logged


OLMIS-2560 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2562 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2639 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Clear Adjustments table

  1. Select Products as directed in the above Step 3 and continue to add.
  2. Click the Clear button on the bottom left hand section of the screen
  3. All adjustment products are cleared
  • As you are adding Products to the Adjustments list, it caches the same reason for all the adjustments as you add different products. Is this expected behavior?






Submit multiple adjustments

  1. Select Products as directed in the above Step 3 and continue to add multiple Products and Reasons for adjustment
  2. When completed, click Submit
  3. Success message displays
  • User can add multiple products to the Adjustments list
  • If there are errors, the errors display are highlighted and display an error icon on the field and user cannot submit. If user clicks submit when there are errors, the user remains on the same page.
  • If more than 20 product adjustments are entered, the table is paginated to 20 per page
  • Products are displayed by the order they are added, and grouped by their product code if there is more than one of the same product
  • As products are added, the table is updated with a count of x out of x items total
  • If all adjustment data is entered correctly and user clicks Submit, a message pops up to confirm "Do you, "username", wish to confirm the x adjustments?
  • If user clicks Cancel they remain on the Adjustments page
  • If user clicks Confirm they receive a successful message "Adjustments successfully submitted" and are redirected to the Stock on Hand page (Home / Stock Management / Stock on Hand)






Scenario 8: Perform an ad hoc receipt

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged

Enter https://test.openlmis.org/ into a chrome or firefox browser.

  1. Login as srmanager2.
  2. From the navigation bar select Stock Management > Receive

  • Loading modal appears and directs you to OpenLMIS login screen
  • As srmanager2 User can select Stock Management > Receive and it directs them to the Receive for Comfort Health Clinic page
  • The page displays a table that lists the Programs and Action
  • The programs available for the user to enter an ad hoc receipt: Family Planning and Essential Meds





Create an ad hoc receipt

  1. Select a program and action by selecting "Make Receive"
  2. Select Product by search for product or by selecting from the Product dropdown and clicking Add
  3. Select Received From and Reason from the dropdown list
  4. Enter quantity and select Date
  • When user selects "Make Receive" button they are directed to the next screen to create an ad hoc receipt
  • User must select a Product by search or by selecting from the dropdown
  • Table is displayed that contains the following columns: Product Code, Product, Stock on Hand, Received From, Source Comments, Reason, Reason Comments, Quantity, Date, and Actions
  • Received From, Reason, Quantity and Date are required
  • Quantity must be greater than zero
  • Date cannot be in the future
  • If there are errors or blank fields the user cannot submit. Errors are displayed in line each field
  • When user clicks Submit there is a pop up confirmation
  • User is directed back to the Stock on Hand summary page




OLMIS-2563 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Clear receipts

  1. Complete same steps described above in Step 2 for multiple products
  2. Select Clear on the bottom left hand of the screen
  3. All receipts should be deleted
  • When user selects Clear all receipts are deleted




Scenario 9: Perform an ad hoc issue

TesterStepsExpected ResultsPass/FailBug logged

Enter https://test.openlmis.org/ into a chrome or firefox browser.

  1. Login as srmanager2.
  2. From the navigation bar select Stock Management > Issue

  • Loading modal appears and directs you to OpenLMIS login screen
  • As srmanager2 User can select Stock Management > Issue and it directs them to the Issue for Comfort Health Clinic page
  • The page displays a table that lists the Programs and Action
  • The programs available for the user to enter an ad hoc issue: Family Planning and Essential Meds





Create an ad hoc issue

  1. Select a program and action by selecting "Make Issue"
  2. Select Product by search for product or by selecting from the Product dropdown and clicking Add
  3. Select Issue To and Reason from the dropdown list
  4. Enter quantity and select Date
  • When user selects "Make Issue" button they are directed to the next screen to create an ad hoc receipt
  • User must select a Product by search or by selecting from the dropdown
  • Table is displayed that contains the following columns: Product Code, Product, Stock on Hand, Issue To, Destination Comments, Reason, Reason Comments, Quantity, Date, and Actions
  • Issue To, Reason, Quantity and Date are required
  • Quantity must be greater than zero
  • Date cannot be in the future
  • If there are errors or blank fields the user cannot submit. Errors are displayed in line each field
  • When user clicks Submit there is a pop up confirmation
  • User is directed back to the Stock on Hand summary page





Clear Issues

  1. Complete same steps described above in Step 2 for multiple products
  2. Select Clear on the bottom left hand of the screen
  3. All issues should be deleted
  • When user selects Clear all Issues are deleted




Known Bugs

OLMIS-2544 - Getting issue details... STATUS

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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software