March 9, 2021

Monthly OpenLMIS Governance Committee Call. This meeting includes members of the governance committee, as well as anyone else interested in participating. 


  • 7:00 - 8:00 AM PST - Seattle
  • 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM EST - New York, DC
  • 3:00 PM CET - Geneva, Copenhagen (4PM during daylight saving time of the year)
  • 5:00 PM EAT - Dar (6PM during daylight saving time of the year)

Call Details

Join Zoom Meeting

One tap mobile +16699006833,,377281719# US (San Jose) or +19294362866,,377281719# US

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Meeting ID: 377 281 719
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Action items for next call  - 

Action Items 





Chat Captures

Introductions and Call opening (5 min)

  • Notes from Feb Governance call

February Notes


Review agenda for this call;

Note: will request folks to switch on video later in the call

COVID 19 Edition- Update

(10 minutes)

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

Results of our short Country survey- As a starting point, we categorized countries into the following broad groups: 1) Don’t have eLMIS and would like OpenLMIS, 2) Have an eLMIS but still want OpenLMIS, 3) Are existing OpenLMIS countries that need to incorporate COVAX use cases.

What we are working on now

  • more detailed guidance on how OpenLMIS can be used to support covi vaccine rollouts. Creating demo videos to showcase this workflow
    • ways to use the R&R workflow
    • ways to use the stock mgmt workflow
  • Updated info on what is available NOW in OpenLMIS COVID Edition
  • Resources for more information an dhow to get started

Carl: WHO wil be standing up a Product Catalog; recommend making close connections with SVC (Smart Vaccination Campaign) ad product catalog; alignment of metadata to ease country adoption

Jean: Systems are suggesting using mobile features to handle COVID; Brandon: yes this is on our active discussion agenda; will address in 

Chat from Brian: Jean, have you heard more regarding the type of mobile (e.g., bring your own device, use of feature phones, smart phones, providing tablets, etc.)?

Jean: smart phone s and tablets... whichever is available on the ground would be preference

Can we start to try to match country needs with funders?

Vitalliance "Introductory Meet & Greet"

(Remaining time- 40 minutes)

Carl LeitnerBrian Taliesin Brandon Bowersox-Johnson, Trevor Lambiotte

Slide deck for reference: 2021-03-09 GC Meeting Update Slides.pdf

Ice breaker/Intros (All)

  • Brian - PATH, OpenLMIS Director
  • Ashraf - JSI, early days of implementation
  • Brandon - Since 2016, excited about growth here, Director of Digital Solutions
  • Carl - Chair of GC, long-time supporter
  • Dan - BAO Systems, CTO
  • Edward - JSI, involved since inception, looking forward to next phase
  • Emily - VR, involved since the beginning in various roles, excited to keep promoting and amplifying in this next stage
  • Gaurav - Director of Information Systems, CHAI, involved since 2014
  • Jean - MIS Lead w/ GHSC-PSM, Chemonics, new involvement
  • Gene - CEO, Vitalliance, One Network Chief Employment Officer
  • Kelly - Program Officer, BMGF, portfolio includes Supply Chain visibility; previously worked in TZ and familiar with instance there (2014)
  • Kim - Resonance, supporting OpenLMIS during transition 2.5 years
  • Lindabeth - Donor, congrats for getting this far
  • Sachin - 
  • Sebastian - Technical PM at SolDevelo
  • Trevor - Vitalliance, lead Africa Support Center, and other hat is for Imperial with the Executive Supply Chain System
  • Wes - Technical Product Manager, OpenLMIS, make sure to continue to move OpenLMIS in the right direction

Partnership Overview (Brian)

  • 15 months from the time in Joburg when we made this decision!
  • 23 EOI responses > 3 shortlisted companies > selection of Vitalliance
  • Excited that Vitalliance will continue to leverage our Community and continue to work with everyone to build on the current knowledge base and lean on the model that Vitalliance has; also mapping out the path to long-term support and sustainability
  • Vitalliance is more than one organization; has strengthen of the JV from Imperial and One Network. Strong foundation to begin this partnership 
  • Don't have as much overlap; quite a nice bridge beyond Zambia and Mozambique
  • Benefits of this partnership include being able to unlock opportunities for OpenLMIS (both current users of v3 and those looking to upgrade, as well as for future OpenLMIS users), answering the sustainability question, lay out pathway for other global goods in what a PPP can look like and take a GG and build a pathway to sustainability. Additional services in the software and capabilities will help address the challenge that OpenLMIS set out to address in the sub-national supply chain to reduce stockouts

Vitalliance Vision for the partnership (Gene)

  • Extremely excited about this, lots of long nights and early mornings to get this done and want to thank everyone on the team
  • One Network & Imperial have been working together for a decade in health in Africa but also from a commercialization standpoint; Imperial runs African network for ONE and staff is completely trained up
  • ONE had technological ability, Imperial had logistics, but services was missing to run technology and utilize it quickly (were able to put tech in quickly, but implementation and integration weren't as strong) so started Vitalliance
  • Fully committed to doing this. From ONE standpoint, how to make sure to protect ONE IP with integration of the two products together. Agreed to put together maintenance of OpenLMIS (fee based, optional), build support for the product within the countries, connect OLMIS with open API framework to connect back in with the Network (important because there are 10's of thousands of people who can help keep it going), continue to support the entire implementation network (not trying to change that), keep enterprise support going for 3 years and become sustainable, financial support, trying to figure out staffing (just got agreement signed) - active conversation to see what they would like to do, otherwise replacement train
  • Multi service tier offering (details in slides) starting with increasing support, hosted model for a fee, backward compatibility to put customization into product which will get carried in; tier 2 would be add-ons (e.g. mobile capability, imperial has a mobile environment), planning and implementation; tier 3 is complete control tower environment (longer term); tier 4 is to get thing to an autonomous control environment (NEO technology)
  • Product strategy (Trevor) - Align timing with tiering and the support of the existing customers. Starting with getting familiarization with the application and its utilization, then going into in-country, in-customer OS to embrace OpenLMIS in the network. Then looking to added functionality
  • The Future - Entire industry is focused on what USAID bid will come up with for  RFP, want to add Network technology to tie into country layer. Unjani clinics which is a social initiative, will figure out how to make that happen. Imperial started an initiative to aggregate data from existing Imperial entities and aggregate them in a way to create a holistic view
  • Vitalliance appreciates the need to embrace stability, want to add skills from their teams and wrapping OpenLMIS within One Network's platform so that there's a seamless integration so that customers can enjoy the benefits of OpenLMIS and also utilize functionality and capabilities of One Network
  • Strong alignment between goals of OpenLMIS and Vitalliance; to get it to a sustainability process so that it can be self-funding from here on out
  • Bringing experience of Vitalliance and two parties (One Network & Imperial); driven by value-based cost models, need to create value for services


  • Edward: Do you imagine OpenLMIS implementations being done outside of One Network, or most being combinations? What do you imagine the role who have been implementing partner now being as we move forward? I know you haven't done a product roadmap yet, but would be interesting about what you'd imagine of division of functionality between OLMIS and ONE and other components.
  • Gene: Do not see ONE as implementer of this, want to move this outside the organization. Want to keep partners who have invested time and IP into this product. Develop toolsets and capabilities to support products and implementation framework to help get it implemented more quickly. Plan to put systems side by side via open API to give OpenLMIS capability to get into the Network itself (e.g. trading partners)
  • Jean: Currently have some countries implementing the system, community is providing support to those countries. When do you think you'd be taking over these responsibilities? If it's a near term, how will you manage support to those countries?
  • Gene: Not so much support of countries as it is the product; for each implementation, it's more around the product. Still not very clear but we can discuss later on.
  • Emily: VR has played an implementation support role, so interpretation is that Vitalliance isn't seeing them as taking over implementations. Partners who support current implementations are still available to help with that. The other role which is the central stewardship of the product roadmap and community management, that is the piece that Vitalliance is taking over


(topic to save for April meeting)

IP Update

Review/launch our new Contribution Guidelines and describe to GC what it means for partners going forward

(topic to save for April meeting)

Mobile App update/discussion

Update on user stories (Brandon?)

our next steps- will it be in our next sprint?

(topic to save for April meeting)

Comparing OpenLMIS and DHIS2 capabilities

How do we advise countries on what each system can do for them for COVID?

DHIS2 has better data collection and vaccine tracking; they have an EIR-like data capture that tracks patients and their doses

larger question: why are we still being reactive, we knew this vaccine would be coming and haven't been able to prepare. So DHIS2 has stepped in to fill the hole

Conferences and Meetings

Conferences provide the community the opportunity for OpenLMIS members to speak or represent the OpenLMIS software and community in public forum.


Upcoming (Virtual) Conferences for 2020 (let's add them here!)

Opportunities documentation

Definitions to use shared terminology:

  • Implementation opportunity: an opportunity for an implementation or deployment of the OpenLMIS software.  Usually this is done at a national or sub-national level within a ministry of health. This can also include feature work which would be done within the implementation and contributed back to the global codebase.
  • Community opportunity: a funding opportunity to support an organization or individual to work directly on the global codebase and/or administrate the community processes. This may include funding specific features on the community roadmap.

Country implementation opportunities:

  • This Trello table is being updated on an ongoing basis; to help the core team to track and manage implementation opportunities, but also provides a detailed snapshot of the scope and status of current implementation opportunities for stakeholders.

Community Opportunities:

  • New Trello table! Similar to the above table, this tool is being used by the stewards to track our exploring of new product opportunities and partnerships

Study Tours:

  • Study Tours wiki page tracks applications received, study tours completed, and other key milestones related to OpenLMIS Study Tours (this activity is no longer active due to COVID-19)

Community and Product Updates
Product Updates
Community Updates

ATTENDANCE:  Rebecca Alban (Unlicensed) Brandon Bowersox-Johnson Brian Taliesin Carl Leitner Sachin Jagtap (Unlicensed) Sebastian BrudziƄski Gaurav Bhattacharya (Unlicensed) Dan Cocos (Unlicensed) Lindabeth Doby Wesley Brown Emily Bancroft Kim Couri Edward Wilson Ashraf Kelly Hamblin Gene Trousil, Trevor Lambiotte 


Meeting Recording:


OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software