Office Hours 2022-07-06

Office Hours 2022-07-06


Jul 6, 2022


  • @Wesley Brown

  • @Douglas Khumalo (Unlicensed)

  • @Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated)

  • @Akin Fadeyi

  • @Ben Leibert

Meeting Video


Discussion topics





Previous Action Items


Clearing browser cache is required for certain actions

Potential fix could be adding a button to clear the cache, but this seem more like a bandaid rather than a real cache. A better solution should be transparent to the users, if possible.

Jira Ticket: OLMIS-7597: Investigate browser cache issueOn Hold

Switch from Discourse

Objections to moving to something else?

  • Dominika - No objections, especially if we aren’t using the current service too much

  • Ben - No objections

  • Akinsola - Have not used the current Discourse instance

What other services should we look at?


Interest in GS1 (GTIN) for Product Tracking

Will track this alongside development on the OpenLMIS mobile app. We will need more detail on the specific use-cases and workflows

  • Not a priority in the Nigeria instance, right now at least

  • Dominika - Could factor into future barcode support

  • Wiki Docs on GS1: GS1 Fundamentals



Upcoming Discussion Points

Addition of Temperature to SM intake/adjustment pages

Vaccine landscape review (per Moses’s comments)

  • Akinsola is interesting in sharing/presenting the Nigeria vaccine implementation details - Will be complete and ready to share in Sept/Oct

Additional Admin Screens (Dominika)

Upgrade Superset Version

Discuss How OpenLMIS can better track Lab commodities



Action items

@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated) Document how we identify and upgrade dependencies/libraries - Who is responsible, how upgrades get prioritized, etc
@Wesley Brown to prepare a draft of the revised Contribution Guidelines
@Dominika Bieńkowska (Deactivated) Create a ticket for the Browser Cache issue noted above


  1. When something specific is going to be discussed, send an email to the invitees and post on Discourse




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