Tanzania RnR Template Configuration

Tanzania RnR Template Configuration

This page aim to show how RnR templates are configured on Tanzania eLMIS instance

Redesign RNR Template Mapping

Na.Column LetterColumn LabelDescription



2ONamba mpya ya MSD

Unique identifier for each commodity

3RMaelezo ya bidhaa

Primary name of the product

4UKipimo cha Ugavi (U)

Dispensing unit for this product

5AKiasi cha kuanzia (A)

Stock in hand of previous period. This is quantified in dispensing units

6BKiasi kilichopokelewa (B)

Total quantity received in last period. This is quantified in dispensing units

7CUpotevu au Marekebisho (C)

All kind of looses/adjustments made at the facility

8ESalio la mwisho (D)

Current physical count of stock on hand. This is quantified in dispensing units

9XSiku Ambazo Dawa Haikuwepo Kituoni (X)

Total number of days facility was out of stock

10CMatumizi halisi (E)

Total Quantity Consumed in a month after adjusting for stockout days.
This is quantified in dispensing units

11NMakadirio ya matumizi baada ya marekebisho [E* 60]/]60-X] (Z)

Total quantity consumed in period after adjusting for stockout days.
This is quantified in dispensing units

12HKiasi cha juu kinachohitajika [Z x 2] (Y)

Maximum Stock calculated based on consumption and max months of stock.
This is quantified in dispensing units

13IKiasi kinachohitajika kilichokokotolewa [Y - D] (F)

Actual Quantity needed after deducting stock in hand.
This is quantified in dispensing units

14JKiasi halisi kinachohitajika (G)

Requested override of calculated quantity.This is quantified in dispensing units

15VKiasi cha kuagizwa [K/U] (H)

Total packs to be shipped based on pack size and applying rounding rules

16WMaelezo ya kiasi halisi kinachohitajika

Explanation of request for a quantity other than calculated order quantity

17KKiasi kilichoindinishwa (K)

Final approved quantity. This is quantified in dispensing units

18LMaelezo ya kiasi kilichoidhinishwa

Any additional remarks

19TBei (I)

Price per Pack. It defaults to zero if not specified.

20QGharama [H x I] (J)

Total cost of the product. This will be zero if price is not defined

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