Proposed Demo Data and Notes

Proposed Demo Data and Notes

We will likely only need a small amount of demo data in order to demo the working migration pipeline.

Much of this demo data is based off the /wiki/spaces/OP/pages/547717152.

Reference Data


  • someone who creates and submits requisitions
  • someone who authorizes requisitions? (assuming TZ does this step)
  • someone who approves requisitions

Note that for v3, will need to add user entries in referencedata, auth, and notification (user contact details)


  • a dispensary (as in the screenshot)
  • a district level facility (one step above the dispensary)


  • Redesigned ILS


  • The five products from the screenshot should be sufficient. In v3, they should be orderables.

Processing Schedules and Periods

  • For schedules, whatever is appropriate in TZ
  • For periods, several in the past and future would be good (2018,2019)

There is other associated demo data, such as geo zones and levels, supported_programs, requisition groups and schedules, supervisory nodes, setting up user permissions. For v3 reference data, https://github.com/OpenLMIS/openlmis-referencedata/tree/master/src/main/resources/db/demo-data is helpful.


Requisition Templates

  • Just one for Redesigned ILS program, the columns should match the screenshot


  • It might be helpful to have some requisitions from the past periods

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