Sustainability Research Questions

Sustainability Research Questions


This is a proposed draft creating during the June 26, 2019 workshop on OpenLMIS Sustainability hosted by Resonance Global at PATH in Washington, DC. This may not reflect the final list of questions that Resonance pursues in their next round of research.

Top questions to prioritize for next stage of Resonance Global work.

Top 10 Questions

For the Private Health Subscription Product, these are the open questions that still need significant research:

  • Who are the target customers? (Drill in much deeper on the Hospital Networks and Clinic Networks.)
    • What is their willingness to pay?
    • What is the profile of these target customers? (Generate a specific list of 10+ customers willing to "pilot" or test drive the new product offering)
    • What other software do they use to run their business? (eg, POS, financial, patient/customer systems, hospital management platforms, etc)
    • What integrations would be needed?
    • Do we need to sell a broader package/suite?
    • How hard or easy would each adoption/implementation be? (Would each one require significant customization, business analysis, or integration?)
    • What are competitive products? What is our unique value proposition? (eg, Did Logistimo abandon this market in India, and if so why?)
  • Which are the target countries? (Refine Emerging/Nascent/Maturing country mix.)
  • Who are the channel partners? (What are the sales teams that sell this subscription product in Emerging/Maturing/Nascent markets?)
    • What would they need/want to be an OpenLMIS channel partner?
    • Would they be willing to pay to be certified as a channel partner? 
  • What is the product?
    • What set of features are needed?
    • What are the workflows/processes used by our target customers that the product will support?
    • How does the current OpenLMIS product need to change? (What is the cost of that development?*)
    • Use Rapid Prototyping to show potential customers a 3-minute video demo or a slide deck using mockups/prototypes* of the product and refine it based on feedback.
  • Revise the Revenue Model based on this market research
  • Develop a Business Plan / Investment Case that is compelling to investors and channel partners

*VillageReach can help contribute to these areas.

Public Health / MoH Questions

  • Taking the nascent/emerging/maturing market framework, define the upcoming market for new implementations:
    • what countries have already invested in a new LMIS in the last 5 years?
    • What countries are likely to invest in the next 5 years?
    • What % of these implementations is OpenLMIS likely to capture through our implementing partners?  
  • For current implementations of OpenLMIS/eLMIS: 
    • How do these implementations generate revenue for OpenLMIS core maintenance?
    • How do these ongoing operations connect with the new product/.org to express their needs?
    • What services/support would they like the .org to provide to support them?  Are they willing/able to pay for any of these services (directly or through donors)? 
  • For future MoH implementations of OpenLMIS:
    • How do these implementations generate revenue for OpenLMIS core maintenance?
    • How do new donor-supported MoH implementations use OpenLMIS (eg, subscription model)?
    • How do the current channel partners sell the subscription model to MoH customers?
    • Is there any revenue stream to invest in OpenLMIS to keep it competitive (to win more RFPs for MoH implementations)?

Innovative Partnerships

  • Looking at the partners who expressed interest in the "handover" model
    • Is there a revenue generating opportunity for a joint-venture with either of these partners if it's not a "handover"?
    • If yes, what are the product requirements for these partnerships?  What's the revenue potential?
    • Are there other partners outside of the two mentioned?   


Build a business plan based on pathway #4 "OpenLMIS .org" structure, with a long-term possibility to evolve into #5 "Global Goods Incubator".

Private Health
Public Health / MoHStrategic PartnershipsAgriculture
Drill in deeper on Top 10 Questions so the Business Plan is compelling to investors and channel partnersBusiness Plan should address current implementations and future MoH implementations generating revenueExplore revenue potential with IQVIA, Mezzanine as partners not an "acquisition"Include 6-9 month 'Product Manager' engagement in Business Plan to explore further
Invest Most TimeInvest Some TimeDo not invest more research time now

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software