Backlog Grooming for Sprint 181

Backlog Grooming for Sprint 181

Dates:  -  

Team Mind the Parrot Sprint 181 

Tickets proposal for upcoming Sprint 181:

Mobile app

key summary type priority status resolution

+ Tickets from previous sprint

Other notes:

Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized bugs:

If we get feedback from Stakeholders about the bugs or hear about new bugs, we should at least take a look at it and investigate.

Otherwise, there's no need.

This agreement applies only for  the upcoming Sprint.

Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized Tech Debt tickets:

Wes and Josh will have an internal meeting regarding tech debt. After that (if needed) we'll have a separate call for that issue.

This discussion will be based on Sebastian Brudziński's tech review document which is already in progress.

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