2019-04-02 TC Meeting notes


7am PST / 3pm CET



Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item review

Sebastian Brudziński

5m - if enough time (next time)Changes to the dev process after 3.6 releaseWesley Brown
(if time allows)Upgrading Spring BootJosh Zamor

Forum post:  https://forum.openlmis.org/t/upgrading-spring-boot/5039

  • Start with Template Service should manifest most of the problems in the upgrade

Double entry accounting in Stock ManagementElias Muluneh
  • Double Entry Accounting:
    • Usually used in currency / traditional accounting - can be used for other things
    • Easier to reason about
    • Easier to maintain a consistent record
    • Are we considering implementing this?
      • Most push-back comes from stakeholders thinking about anything automatically happening to other facilities - one facility performs an action that automatically effects another.
        • Agreed - don't let other facilities effect one another
        • On accounts being reasons:  Reasons are close to accounts, however a reason set doesn't necessarily come with posting rules.
          • Some reasons might be better modeled as accounts, others would stay reasons.
          • Facility level stakeholders would be introduced to different account views on stock (some UI / UX / reporting elements)
          • Administrator experience: Might ship with some basic accounts at first, as product matures administrator could define posting rules and accounts.
      • Modeling Transportation - e.g. dummy accounts (see below on dummy)
  • Technical:
    • Keep stock events (e.g. receipt of stock - explains business event)
    • Posting rules would be different:
      • Double entry accounting would put equal and opposite entries into different accounts. (combined it all equals 0)
      • Transferring stock would have a decrement one side, increment the other.
      • What is an account?
        • Facilities have accounts: 
          • SoH, lending, borrowing, etc
        • Between facilities we can think of account "transfers"
        • External systems:  Their accounts could be modeled as a "dummy" account within OpenLMIS.  This keeps to the sum to 0 posting rule
      • Posting rules:
        • For each event - the posting rule determines how the event is processed.
        • Posting rules can be account specific
        • Posting rules can apply temporally (apply to a specific time range)
    • READ MARTIN FOWLER:  https://martinfowler.com/apsupp/accounting.pdf


Action Items

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software