2019-04-30 TC Meeting notes

2019-04-30 TC Meeting notes


7am PDT / 4pm CEST



Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item reviewJosh Zamor

Review Stock Management service known problems and potentially discuss next stepsSebastian Brudziński

See StockManagement screens issues and improvements [WIP]

  • review known problems
  • discuss next steps (any actionable work we can start with?)
  • any input or suggestions are welcome
(next time)PouchDB and flaky testsChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)

Testing that involves the wrapper for PouchDB causes the UI tests to be flaky (what we sometimes refer to as random failures):

  • Can we improve the reliability?
  • Is our PouchDB wrapper good?  Is it a leaky abstraction?  etc
  • Are we favoring coverage > reliability?
  • (more to add)



Stock Management

WIP document, goal is to start gathering feedback and see if there's something that can be worked on.

Gathered feedback within linked document.

Action Items

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