Backlog Grooming Sprint 18

Backlog Grooming Sprint 18


  • Requisition printing, comments and column definitions.
  • UI: Offline, orders, pagination and remaining functionality

Requisitions (template and improvements)



Comments/Status Message

Column definitions  

These are new features, and don't exist in 2.0 — Ask if you have any questions

  • OLMIS-1503 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-1501 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (UI) - blocked, not picked up
  • OLMIS-1502 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (UI)

Stretch/Sprint 19

  • Later (maybe after 3.0 or not happening at all): OOD Refactor tickets
  • OLMIS-1627 - Getting issue details... STATUS


We encourage the fulfillment team to help out on the Requisition team if these are completed.