Backlog Grooming Sprint 27

Backlog Grooming Sprint 27

Objective: to continue addressing critical bugs (performance and major UI issues)

Reference UI

NR: These will make working with the UI easier

  • OLMIS-2509 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - NR: Is this a dupe of OLMIS-2328
  • OLMIS-2439 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2573 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - NR: This should be fixed in OLMIS-1693
  • OLMIS-2572 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2444 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • OLMIS-1189 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • OLMIS-1889 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-1925 - Getting issue details... STATUS (Team ILL)


  • OLMIS-249 - Getting issue details... STATUS  - NR: Angular strap has hard coded string, might need another library


Working on 3.1.5-SNAPSHOT (the incoming changes due to performance issue will most likely result in version 4.0.0 being the case)

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to create a ticket to (coordination and fixes on both the UI and endpoints and even other things) to either reduce requests and decreased payload. Brandon Bowersox-Johnson were you able to create this ticket, is it either 2565, 66, 84, or 33?

  • OLMIS-2565 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Which Malawi bugs does this address? A: Requisition load time)

  • OLMIS-2566 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Q: Solution for this will probably be the same as for OLMIS-2584 - Getting issue details... STATUS ) (Which Malawi bugs does this address? A: Requisition view/approve/convert to order)
    Make sure to reference the related Malawi bugs  MW-232 - Getting issue details... STATUS

  • OLMIS-2584 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2533 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Q: proposed solution in comment)
    (In addition to what Łukasz included in his daily report on timeouts - we have increased the maximum execution time, but this is a temporary workaround. The requests already take too long time for certain things (especially reports since they usually require a lot of data). The root reason is requisition related endpoints returning a lot of unnecessary data - I've created a ticket for this in core (OLMIS-2533) but if it becomes problematic quickly we may need to fix it ourselves and contribute this to the core product - Sebastian 5/17)
    • Remove previous requisition history
    • Do BA work to decide what is actually needed (where/when) 
    • FYI, the Malawi logged bugs  MW-164 - Getting issue details... STATUS , MW-165 - Getting issue details... STATUS , MW-166 - Getting issue details... STATUS , MW-167 - Getting issue details... STATUS , MW-171.
  • OLMIS-2522 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2514 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2530 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2193 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2531 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • OLMIS-2543 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Brandon Bowersox-Johnson, does this need further directions?)
  • OLMIS-1133 (NR: Can we make a ticket to gather requirements/design/socialize this issue?)

Reference Data

Will be working towards 6.0.1

OLMIS-2574 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2536 - Getting issue details... STATUS  This endpoint should filter the facilities (this is a dependency for MW-170)

OLMIS-2494 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2277 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Q: Do we want front-end validation? A: Yes)

OLMIS-2292 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2385 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (very small)

OLMIS-2384 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (very small)

OLMIS-2495 - Getting issue details... STATUS


OLMIS-2552 - Getting issue details... STATUS (likely shouldn't pick this up, if we did, Reference Data would be working on v7.0.0 - the next major release)


OLMIS-2551 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2532 - Getting issue details... STATUS


OLMIS-2147 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Stretch Goal: 

Stock Management: Change it from Hibernate to Flyway before our next/non-beta release (or move this to Grooming 28?? Team ILL)


OLMIS-2574 - Getting issue details... STATUS


Roll-over from last sprint.

Issues Discovered During Malawi UAT

OLMIS-2584 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2585 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2586 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2587 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Q: As far as we remember this was the desired behavior. Do we want to clear the table when changing requisition type/any input value?) A: Waiting for OLMIS-2554

OLMIS-2588 - Getting issue details... STATUS  (Q: What is the status of this ticket?) A: Will be dead after OLMIS-2476

OLMIS-2548 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Team ILL

OLMIS-2578 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2581 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2580 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-2582 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Contract testing dev-wide short presentation (see a few ideas on retrospective)

15-minute design meetings after stand-up (do not need a ticket for this; but we will pilot this idea during Sprint 27)

Stretch goals:

OLMIS-2590 - Getting issue details... STATUS

Performance Testing of key endpoints (find the ticket for it)

Refactor so we can accept the batch approve page in requisitions

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