Backlog Grooming Sprint 102

Backlog Grooming Sprint 102

Dates:  -  

Team Parrot Sprint

Continue working on tickets in

OLMIS-4566 - Getting issue details... STATUS

OLMIS-4866 - Getting issue details... STATUS  


Tech debt:

Sprint Goal: 

Each sprint, Team Parrot's sprint will include up to 20% bugs and up to 20% tech debt tickets from the respective backlogs

Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized bugs:

key summary type priority status labels

Team Parrot to use 20% of their capacity to fix the following prioritized Tech Debt tickets:

key summary type priority status labels

Team Ona Gap

Sprint Goal:

Finish Superset addition to docker-compose, prep for metric building based on OpenLMIS v2 priority reports and test Nifi version control process.


Team JSI Gap

Sprint Goal: To revisit the OpenLMIS requisition columns to ensure that calculations related to -- additional quantities needed for new patients and normalized consumptions can also support Tanzania and Zambia practices. Additionally toggling of quantities by packs and doses will be added on approval screen

 Ashraf to add tickets here

Available resources:

Elias 50%
Adugna 80%

On vacation- Muhammad


key summary type created updated due assignee reporter priority status resolution

Team Mind the Gap

Sprint Goal: Finish Notification redesign & Opt-out emails, continue Orderables redesign

Capacity due to holiday and vacations: 10 days in the sprint

  • Sam (9 days)
  • Chongsun (9 days)
  • Nikodem (4 days)
  • Lukasz (7 days)

Target Velocity: 15 story points

60% Gap Features

20% Tech Debt

20% Bugs


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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software