Backlog Grooming Sprint 11

Backlog Grooming Sprint 11


Brandon Bowersox-JohnsonJosh ZamorNick Reid (Deactivated)Jake Watson (Deactivated)Anna Czyrko (Unlicensed)Sebastian BrudzińskiPaweł GesekMary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated)



Backlog Grooming for Sprint 11

Decisions to be made

  • Is OLMIS-966 in Beta or not?
    • What is the functional impact?

    • Level of effort?

    • Decision: moved out of beta.

  • GS1 tickets - Are this in Beta or not?

    • Do the tickets clearly state what needs to be completed?

    • Decision: moved out of beta.

  • Are OLMIS-380, 381, 815, 1068 (Adjustment reasons) out or in for the Beta? Impacts template columns and UI
    • If out, we need a plan for putting user input in without a reason
    • Decision: attempt to get it into Beta.

Question to team

Is there anything missing from this list (backlog using beta filter) of what should be in beta (based on our conversations over the last week and the scope we defined)?

Discussed adding a ticket to address 404 error. 

Virtual Estimation Activity 

Brandon Bowersox-Johnson is leading. Each person should be sitting in front of their own laptop for this exercise. No sharing.

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