[DVDMT/SMT] Programmatic Data: Vaccine Schedule
Programmatic Data: Vaccine Schedule
Target release | SMT |
Epic | Programmatic Data |
Document status | DRAFT |
Document owner | Jenny Thompson <jthompson@path.org> |
Technical Lead | Brian Taliesin <btaliesin@path.org> |
- This functionality ensures the national vaccine schedule can be defined in the tool and each intermediate store is using the same data.
- Vaccine and product specifications are captured in the tool to be used when estimating product needs to achieve targets, data entry, issuing product to stores, factoring in wastage rates, etc.
Country-specific processes, approvals, and timelines vary.
AnKind of light in this section, but quite a bit of info elsewhere. accurate vaccine schedule ensures consistency with national needs and data.
Coverage rates may be set at the intermediate store level or at the national or subnational level.
- "vaccines" tab is prepopulated in the SMT.Believe this is Solo, correct?
- Supply chain characteristics have already been added
- number of facilities at the national, subnational, district, and sub-district level with associated supply intervals, safety stock, and lead time
- number of vaccination centers
- urban and rural supply intervals, safety stock, and lead time
- Units of measure have been defined.
- Not including "volume per target, cm3" calculation in this file
User Stories
| Title | User Story | Label | Importance | Notes |
1 | Define vaccine schedule | As an EPI manager, I want to define the national vaccine schedule so that DIVO's can use the same information for planning and in the Stock Management Tool. Brian Taliesin We are trying to understand if this is strictly pertaining to campaigns, or if this is used in routine vaccinations as well. If it does cover routine, how is this different from the input that goes into "Calculate ISA"? | SMT | Must Have | Combines routine needs and campaign needs? Re campaigns: Campaign matches country's vaccination schedule. You need to prepare your campaign products accordingly. The forecasting needs to tell you you're in week 4 now, then you'll be in week 6... calculations help do campaign forecasting for products. ("I need to vaccinate 100 kids this month, how many vaccines do I need." |
2 | Update vaccine schedule Not sure on the process here. Perhaps to cut this one and keep it simple because this may be country specific/it will be more complex. | As an EPI manager, I want to be able to update the national vaccine schedule so that if a change is needed during the period or prior to the start of the period, it can be made and DIVOs are able to manage against the schedule. | SMT | Must Have |
3 | Use vaccine schedule data. | As a DIVO, I want to be able to use information entered in the vaccine schedule so that I can manage my store and fulfill product needs for intermediate stores. | SMT | Must Have |
Activity Details/Narrative
3. Add schedule to new period's SMT
Add national vaccine schedule to new period's SMT file.
Select the routine vaccination and update the following information for each vaccine:
- Doses/target
- Target groups (select form list of values)
- Coverage expected
- Presentation (select form list of values)
- Wastage rates for the year
- mode of administration/type of injection equipment (select form list of values)
- type of syringe, if needed (select form list of values)
- Supply interval (months)
- Safety stock (months)
- Lead time (weeks)What are the rules around these? Set above here?
5. Send SMT file to subnational store officers
Send SMT files to be used at the subnational level.
6. Receive SMT
Receive SMT sent from national level to be used at the subnational level and enter initial stock on hand for year.
Note: Other intermediate vaccine stores follow similar process
1. Add schedule to new period's SMT
Add national vaccine schedule to new period's SMT file.
Select the routine vaccination and update the following information for each vaccine:
- Vaccination objectives & targets
- Number of doses on the schedule
- Vaccine presentation
- Vaccine wastage (%)
- Administration
- Dilution syringes
- Volume per target, cm3
- Schedule, Target (%)
- Coverage (%)
Description | Link |
Forecasting & Estimating: Product Inventory List SMT DVDMT |
Open Questions
Below is a list of questions to be addressed as a result of this requirements document:
# | Question | Outcome | Status |
1 | Should Solo's process be called out? Realized the flow for product inventory set up should probably have Solo performing more of that? (Initial steps 1 and 2) |
2 | What's pulled in from previous years? |
3 | Is a solution to pull in vaccine schedule data from SMT? Or since OpenLMIS has the ability to replace SMT, would it be backwards to rely on SMT as available for a continuous input for this information? Josh Zamor |
Out of Scope
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