Gdansk agenda 7-30 to 8-3

Gdansk agenda 7-30 to 8-3


Mon 7-30
Tues 7-31
Wed 8-1
Thur 8-2
Fri 8-3

Sam in Gdansk

Team JSI, Joanna, Sam - QA meeting

Chongsun in Gdansk

Continue testing

MTG Grooming

Bug Triage

Continue Testing

11am Contract tests

Release RC1 if testing is complete

Continue Testing


1pm Improvements for OpenLMIS (everyone)

2pm QA meeting - QA 3.4 Test Plan & Testing, Release Plan & Checklist, Performance Testing process (Sam, Joanna, Joanna, Sebastian)

1pm Epic writing

2pm Bug Triage

3pm Demo Data Loading

1pm UI Dictionary + UI v7

3pm Sprint Showcase

MTG Retrospective

1pm epic sizing

1:30pm multiple teams retrospective

3pm MTG Gap feature ticket writing

4pm Non-Functional Requirements & testing

2pm Bug Triage

Sam leaves Gdansk 3pm

board games?

Suggested Topics


Tech Design

  • Demo data loading OLMIS-4658 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • Contract tests
  • Feature toggles (for all teams to understand - waiting for the time for JSI & Ona)
  • Non-Functional Requirements & testing (future plans)Non-Functional Requirements - performance
    • Next steps to automate
  • UI Dictionary - consistent names for all the UI elements
  • UI Architecture v7 - Good? Bad? How could we improve it?


Interested in all process topics: Sebastian BrudziƄski Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed)


  • social time?
  • board games?

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software