2019-07-01 Weekly Checkin Meeting Notes

2019-07-01 Weekly Checkin Meeting Notes


Jul 1, 2019


  • @Wesley Brown

  • @Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)

  • @Josh Zamor

  • @Ian Manyama

  • @Alfred Mchau (Deactivated)

Discussion topics









10 min

Status Update

@Wesley Brown


  • Most of the requisition-releated content synced between v2-v3

    • Stock adjustment reasons causing a bit of a problem

    • Pipeline is starting when the system is brought up

      • Reusing the existing v3.6 reporting stack

        • This is not ideal but works ok for now

      • Trying to move the pipeline into the gitlab repo

    • Will be trying to use the gitlab CI


  • Preparing the demo data (v2 and v3)

  • Working on migration scripts for refdata (v2->v3)

  • (Version 3 Casper demo data is in casper label)


  • Gitlab CI - Need to go through the Open Source approval process to be able to use this fully

  • Dev Process/Communication

    • Use slack for now, can add a Discourse category if helpful

    • Set up code review process using existing olmis server

5 Min

Utilizing Philip

@Josh Zamor

Research associate with VillageReach in Seattle (3-4 months)

Will be helping out (potentially) on a few different things, including this project

Working on:

  • Getting a version of v2, v3, and the pipeline in the cloud in a reproducible way

    • Likely using Terraform to tie these systems together

    • Potentially use for testing and maybe for demo eventually

  • Code is in openlmis-deployment on a branch (“casper-wip”)

5 Min

Meeting Timing

@Wesley Brown

Moving the meeting to 10am EAT

Chongsun out next week

Action items

@Alfred Mchau (Deactivated) TZ data for testing. Just need a few requisitions, facilities and products to start
@Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) Discuss the possible involvement of Philip Garrison with Josh/Brandon/Philip (starting soon in Seattle, working through the summer). @Wesley Brown to help as needed
@Alfred Mchau (Deactivated) To provide specifics about what level of polish the mid-July demo needs
@Wesley Brown To include Philip in future meetings (timezone withstanding)
@Josh Zamor to update location of Philip’s work on deployment


  1. @Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) To provide a system demo next week

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software