2020-08-10 Meeting notes

2020-08-10 Meeting notes



Aug 10, 2020


  • @Josh Zamor

  • @Brandon Bowersox-Johnson

  • @Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed)

  • @Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)

  • Casey

  • Carli



  • Establish clarity for final deliverables

    • Who, what, when

    • What does done look like

  • Talk through what we envision a Proof of Concept to look like



Document: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vnpI72qgKzn4mqRVCy6X89CdLXqkEuXe/view?usp=sharing

Discussion topics










Deliverable 13 - Finalize use cases and specifications


  • Who writes the use-cases? Specifications?

    • Use-cases: Carli coordinating with team in Ivory Coast and Malawi for a review. Lots of staff busy, hard to get focus on these pieces.

      • Could put in draft pieces and share as living document: sketched user-journey

  • How do we circulate to wider community for use-cases we’re not capturing?

    • e.g. lab equipment module in Tanzania

    • e.g. using consumption information from machines for forecasting

    • etc


Deliverable 14 - Sign-off on specifications for OE-OpenLMIS integration


  • Who signs-off?

    • When we’re happy, we post it to OpenHIE Talk with right tags and let the community review.

      • Good to tag arch committee to get feedback

    • Also likely present to Architecture committee call (next on Aug 28th).

  • Is a presentation involved?

    • What support would VillageReach play?

    • This could be a piece that is presented to architecture or it could be that ohie talk forum is giving a thumbs up (i.e. participation).


Deliverable 15 - Contribute to resourced work plan


  • Who does this?

    • Casey to check with Carli on template

    • VR (@Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) to lead) to review once document shared

  • What is VillageReach responsible for?

    • Could use a couple hours (or you know - ish) for VR to review and input.

  • What is it?

    • To get basic pieces this is what it’d take (MVP LOE)

    • Follow-on to what the MVP+ would take

      • e.g. ordering, further integrations

    • Person-hours (build, test, deploy), consultations, etc

    • Could use VR input on how to figure out person hours, consultations, etc Would like this to reflect both orgs best practices.

    • Is this country or generic?

      • Likely generic, what’s needed for pilot and production.

      • Keep to theme of shelf-readiness of DS

      • We’d like to have a plan that:

        • this is what it looks like where OpenELIS and OpenLMIS exist already

        • this is what it looks like where one or the other isn’t at wide adoption

        • would like to add how to install together (instructions to make it work)

      • Where we know a country bespoke piece exists, we’d like to call that out.


Build proof of Concept


How do we get to agreement on what Proof of Concept is and what it does?


Options (either, or, both?):

  • Build something - glorified link

    • This could give people a sense of how it’d look

    • This could be an embedded i-frame

    • Or could be a new-tab

  • Some slides, screenshots, and a story. Would also include please fund me and this is what we’d like to do.




  • final tech due sept 18th

  • VR could extend time, not budget a week into sept.

  • @Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) to confirm official date(s)

  • Schedule monday morning recurring check-ins.





Action items

@Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to read document and review for use-cases we haven’t captured (see deliverable 13 above)
@Brandon Bowersox-Johnson to sign-off
@Josh Zamor to sign-off
@Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) to sign-off
Casey to sign-off
Carli to sign-off
@Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) to sign-off
Someone to post spec on OpenHIE talk on monday (8/17) if no objections after sign-off
Hold a tech call on LOE for building for next 3 weeks this week (8/10) mornings through mid-mornings.
@Josh Zamor to propose a time to meet.
Revisit on Monday (8/17) the LOE to build.
@Sierra Petrosky (Unlicensed) to send out Monday invite (8/17) for next 3 weeks.


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OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software