Backlog Grooming Sprint 18
- Requisition printing, comments and column definitions.
- UI: Offline, orders, pagination and remaining functionality
Requisitions (template and improvements)
- - OLMIS-880Getting issue details... STATUS (Offline Requisitions)
- - OLMIS-1505Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1134Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1697Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1698Getting issue details... STATUS
Comments/Status Message
- - OLMIS-1582Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1583Getting issue details... STATUS (UI)
- - OLMIS-1267Getting issue details... STATUS (Use modal, UI)
Column definitions
These are new features, and don't exist in 2.0 — Ask if you have any questions
- - OLMIS-1503Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1501Getting issue details... STATUS (UI) - blocked, not picked up
- - OLMIS-1502Getting issue details... STATUS (UI)
Stretch/Sprint 19
- Later (maybe after 3.0 or not happening at all): OOD Refactor tickets
- - OLMIS-1627Getting issue details... STATUS
We encourage the fulfillment team to help out on the Requisition team if these are completed.
- - OLMIS-1555Getting issue details... STATUS (do this first)
- - OLMIS-1628Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1371Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1663Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1664Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1665Getting issue details... STATUS
New Features
Offline requisitions
- - OLMIS-1691Getting issue details... STATUS (ILL) (Stub)
- - OLMIS-1693Getting issue details... STATUS (ILL) (Stub)
- - OLMIS-1642Getting issue details... STATUS (ILL) (Stub)
- - OLMIS-1692Getting issue details... STATUS (ILL) (Stub)
- - OLMIS-1661Getting issue details... STATUS (Stub)
- - OLMIS-1354Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1025Getting issue details... STATUS (Stub)
- - OLMIS-1550Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1566Getting issue details... STATUS (Stub & Might change to merge with - OLMIS-1549Getting issue details... STATUS )
- - OLMIS-1615Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1578Getting issue details... STATUS (Needs clean-up and overhaul) - OLMIS-1425Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1505Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1646Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1647Getting issue details... STATUS (Let Nick Reid (Deactivated) know if mock up is needed)
- - OLMIS-1648Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1575Getting issue details... STATUS & - OLMIS-1579Getting issue details... STATUS (stub)
Bugs from demo data (maybe)
- - OLMIS-1580Getting issue details... STATUS (needs to be reproduced)
- - OLMIS-1581Getting issue details... STATUS (needs to be reproduced)
- - OLMIS-1576Getting issue details... STATUS (Related to OLMIS-1409)
Transifex string cleanup
(Mary Jo Kochendorfer (Deactivated) wants to work on these)
Stretch/Sprint 19
- - OLMIS-1682Getting issue details... STATUS (do we implement all the options presented in the description? It seems like we have a choice to provide the template as a markup directly or as a link to the file)
- - OLMIS-1603Getting issue details... STATUS (STUB: waiting for feedback)
- - OLMIS-1481Getting issue details... STATUS (Stub)
- - OLMIS-1535Getting issue details... STATUS STUB (Update message string to be one string and change text) Potentially 19
- - OLMIS-1538Getting issue details... STATUS STUB (needs clean up – ie add error message)
- - OLMIS-1543Getting issue details... STATUS Needs to be reproduced
- - OLMIS-1448Getting issue details... STATUS (do we need this in 3.0? Will we have any select inputs where we want this? This is yet another custom solution we want to implement)
- - OLMIS-403Getting issue details... STATUS (Needs checkin)
Reference Data
- - OLMIS-1688Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1690Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1625Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1586Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1587Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1588Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1589Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1590Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1662Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1649Getting issue details... STATUS (Tech debt — lowest priority)
- - OLMIS-1696Getting issue details... STATUS (for Team ILL)
- - OLMIS-1695Getting issue details... STATUS (for Team ILL)
- - OLMIS-1598Getting issue details... STATUS Important for 3.0
- Stretch goal: - OLMIS-1626Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1107Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1606Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-890Getting issue details... STATUS
- - OLMIS-1560Getting issue details... STATUS (Team ILL)
OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software