Backlog Grooming Sprint 50

Backlog Grooming Sprint 50

Goal: Release Process for 3.3.0

Dates:  -  

Sebastian Brudziński Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) To follow up from the discussion on showcase meeting Wednesday, we agree it makes sense to close sprint 49 and start sprint 50. The sprint cycle might not exactly be matching the cycles of testing and rounds of bug fixes, but that is okay.

Sebastian Brudziński Nikodem Graczewski (Unlicensed) Regarding branches and use of GitHub Pull Requests and Code Reviews, we want to encourage folks to push to master and use Fisheye rather than branches and GitHub pull requests. If we need to turn off Jenkins deployments (so users testing on UAT or Test servers are not interrupted), we can turn off Jenkins deployments for the day. But having the new work committed on master will allow Team ILL to continue with performance testing with all of the latest fixes. We can discuss more on the Q&A meeting if there are questions about this.

Regression Testing and Release Process (Team Parrot)

Here are the steps we believe are involved in this release process which will take us most or all of this sprint. I'm not sure if you want to create tickets for some of these (like creating RC1) now or not. That's up to you. We will continue using the daily Slack check-ins to we confirm what step of this process we are at.

  • Fix critical/blocker bugs (we flagged the 2 must-have tickets OLMIS-4383 and OLMIS-4384)
  • Regression Phase 2
  • Fix additional critical/blocker bugs (if any identified)
  • Create RC1 & make sure it is announced to the community
  • Complete testing RC1 
  • Fix critical/blocker bugs (only if any more identified – hopefully not) and re-issue RC2, RC3 and repeat....
  • Publish official 3.3.0 release

Team ILL

  • OLMIS-4460 - Getting issue details... STATUS  
  • Finalize agenda for April 11-13 Gap Estimation Meetings

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