2016-12-06 Meeting notes

2016-12-06 Meeting notes


7am - 8am Seattle (UTC-8)

10am Washington D.C.

4pm Poland

11pm China


Optional dial in:
Dial in: 213-493-0531
PIN: 74762



  • UI extension - looking at options in the supplying partner (original discussion, last meeting discussion, design doc) scenario and finding the right balance for extensible v replace
  • Recent work on Extra Data, features and limitations, the right balance for 3.0, 3.1...
  • Look at how extensions will be packaged, where they live, how they're published, and how an implementation is rolled

Discussion items

5mReview agendaJosh

Wait for everyone to join and look at this agenda

20mUI ExtensionNick Reid (Deactivated)looking at options in the supplying partner scenario and finding the right balance for extensible v replace
20mExtra DataChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)recent work on Extra Data, features and limitations, the right balance for 3.0, 3.1...
15mExtension PackagingBrandon Bowersox-Johnsonlook at how all the various extensions are created, where they live, where they're published too, and how a final implementation is put together

Action items


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