2016-12-06 Meeting notes
2016-12-06 Meeting notes
7am - 8am Seattle (UTC-8)
10am Washington D.C.
4pm Poland
11pm China
Meeting Link
Optional dial in:
Dial in: 213-493-0531
PIN: 74762
- Elias Muluneh
- Darius Jazayeri (Unlicensed)
- Pengfei Cui (Deactivated)
- Danni Yu (Unlicensed)
- Paweł Gesek
- Sebastian Brudziński
- Brandon Bowersox-Johnson
- Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
- Ben Leibert
- UI extension - looking at options in the supplying partner (original discussion, last meeting discussion, design doc) scenario and finding the right balance for extensible v replace
- Recent work on Extra Data, features and limitations, the right balance for 3.0, 3.1...
- Look at how extensions will be packaged, where they live, how they're published, and how an implementation is rolled
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5m | Review agenda | Josh | Wait for everyone to join and look at this agenda |
20m | UI Extension | Nick Reid (Deactivated) | looking at options in the supplying partner scenario and finding the right balance for extensible v replace |
20m | Extra Data | Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed) | recent work on Extra Data, features and limitations, the right balance for 3.0, 3.1... |
15m | Extension Packaging | Brandon Bowersox-Johnson | look at how all the various extensions are created, where they live, where they're published too, and how a final implementation is put together |
Action items
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