2018-04-03 Meeting notes

2018-04-03 Meeting notes


7am PST / 4pm CET

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  • See discussion items

Discussion items

10mAgenda and action item reviewJosh Zamor

Open Action item review from https://openlmis.atlassian.net/wiki/x/vAAND

Open action items from last time:

Database migration speed?Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)

Migration testing?  Integration?  Job?Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
(didn't get to)Cross-service migrationChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
  • Re-use run-sql
  • Bespoke
  • Template for cross-service migration / exemplar?


Database migration speed

While testing latest code against production data for release testing, we found that fulfillment service wasn't starting in a short amount of time - the service was starting, but stuck in a long migration script.

This was because updates to schema / copying data was on a table which had 7+ million rows.  Through a bit of digging uncovered this recommendation:  https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/52517/best-way-to-populate-a-new-column-in-a-large-table/52531#52531 . Which recommends duplicating the table, making the changes to the duplicate, and then replacing the old table with the new.

Question:  How do we ensure that when we're writing migrations, we're avoiding writing migrations that take hours?

We do know with our implementations that some hours of downtime are:

  1. Monitor the flyway migration time (we'd need a threshold value and/or we'd need those 7 million rows to test against as an example).
  2. Some teams won't allow certain statements to be used.

Prefer a mix of 1 and 2.

Where do we get the data for item #1?  For things like PoD line items that has a lot of data, we should commit to making performance data.

Action Items:

  • How do we get the data for testing (when to decide to invest in creating performance data)?
  • What are the exemplars for performant migrations / which types of migrations take a long time (is there a postgres DBA in the house?)
  • Do we intend to move performance data into demo data - do we want to do that?  It's separate data sets, we think might like to combine for maintenance and consistency)

Migration testing

Current approach is to use a jenkins job that:

  • starts the previous version of ref distro
  • stops it
  • starts the latest code which runs the new migrations
  • failure is if a migration error is encountered, success otherwise

We also have experimented with a pattern of writing integration tests for individual migrations.

Some concerns with it:

  • Migration's don't change, QA could find migration issues
  • Are integration tests written for the edge cases
  • We'd need more work:  write a test for each migration

Some concerns with the current approach:

  • If there's no demo data, the tests don't cover much
  • If a service isn't normally included in Ref Distro, it won't get covered.
  • There have been some issues that have given us concern, and while we think we know what they are, we'd still like to revisit the approach.

Josh asks:  Central to any migration testing approach is having and loading data.  In the past I've used DbUnit to setup the database before test, and revert it to pre-test condition after the test has run.  Is this tool (or one like it) still valuable?

Action Items

  • Sebastian Brudziński:  Start a discussion on: 
    • Do we intend to move performance data into demo data - do we want to do that?  It's separate data sets, we think might like to combine for maintenance and consistency)
  • Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed):  Grab one of the options on migration performance and start a dev forum post
  • Josh Zamor and Chongsun Ahn (Unlicensed):  write a ticket to investigate the CCE migration test issue
  • Josh Zamor to followup on the db migration test port - close up 8500 in ref distro before the release

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