2018-10-02 TC Meeting notes

2018-10-02 TC Meeting notes


7am PST / 4pm CET




  • Items from last call?
  • Orderable versioning

Discussion items

5mAgenda and action item reviewJosh
(next call)Orderable versioningChongsun Ahn (Unlicensed)
  • Continue the show and tell on the how
15mFeature flagsJosh Zamor and Sebastian Brudziński and Mateusz Kwiatkowski
  • Do we think this is mature yet?  Can it be used to make quick, unplanned, releases of a service?  Do we all understand it?
(next call)Followup on audit log initializer
  • We completed  OLMIS-3078 - Getting issue details... STATUS which will help production data sets, however for demo data we would still iterate over all the demo data records on the first start as they don't have snapshots yet.  Is a slow startup still / more an issue?  With the increased size of the demo data that we're adding, and thoughts to have millions of records, do we think we have an issue?
(next call)DHIS2 followup on how (not ready)
5mTeam CityWesley Brown
25mReference Data Seed Tool - maintenance planSebastian Brudziński
  • Reference data seed tool seem to be getting used more frequently and outside of MW
  • We currently do not have a process to verify the tool works after releasing
  • How do we ensure that everything works after a new release? An automated test? Manual regression check as a part of release?


Ref Data Seed Tool:

  • Being used for more than just Malawi now
  • Primarily used for initial setup, not as much for ongoing maintenance
  • The tool has not been getting updated very much recently and is now out of date with the current system
    • Causing issues now that we're trying to use it for the Angola system
  • Issue: No process to check that the tool is functional as updates are made to OLMIS
    • Seems to have existed outside of our normal dev process
    • No automated tests with current OLMIS, just internal tests
      • Need to create tests against a live instance
      • (Yay, more tests)
    • Maybe include manual Ref Data Seed tool tests as part of the OLMIS release process
    • Need to get feedback as to whether this tool should be considered part of "Core" and kept up to date for every release
  • May be some release to a potential batch update process

Team City:

  • Tech debt ticket to make Jenkins scripts executable locally: OLMIS-5439 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • No actual work has been done here yet
  • We still don't know which approach will work better (move to TC? Make scripts runnable locally?)
  • Do we still want to explore kubernetes?

Feature flags:

  • Configured via .env
  • We currently have two working examples: batch approve (on the UI) and facility search (backend) - links to code available in the docs - http://docs.openlmis.org/en/latest/contribute/contributionGuide.html#feature-flags
  • We still need to follow up on feature flags - there's a ticket OLMIS-5493 - Getting issue details... STATUS
  • There's a plan for multiple suppliers to be coded and we don't know whether it will be done for 3.5 (since it's a huge feature) - should we use feature flags for this? Might need Josh input
  • We need a feedback in case we decide to go with feature flags and if there are any problems or issues

Action Items

OpenLMIS: the global initiative for powerful LMIS software